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RE: Motivation is more than necessary. It's everything.

in #int5 years ago (edited)

Happy to bring visibility to good projects, this is what we need as a motivation to get movement, entrepeneurs being conneted trough blockchain (:!

This is for sure a tier 3 at a 100% upvote, this is a comunity made by doers for the entire steem comunity, sure thing i think i can connect some dots there because they're giving prizes to initiatives like this one, that creates motion on blockchain

in this post @ecoinstant encourage us to speak about projects on blockchain that are being part of the present time, he's a good example of a good intrepeneur aswell, being part of steem community on different projects, also, even when his post is absolutely a great initiative his feeling sorry about the fact the post has big tables with data and tell us this:

I understand that this post is very long with a couple of big tables full of transfers and statistics. These are for my own record keeping. As mentioned above, this type of post is becoming extinct - there will only be one more of them. After that I will be focusing my efforts on highlighting projects from the list, as well as the Quest for the Grand Prize.

If you are reading this, and interested in knowing how to help your project succeed in the Quest - the first round of tests will require at least 1 liquid steem, as well as at least one steem account willing to chose a project above all others on the list.

i would love to see more of the work that @ecoinstant as an entrepeneur could do, so, suporting him would make that happen, but seems like he's already being a doer, also he's making his house! unbelivable, i connect a lot with his black hole sentence on that post. (:

This is a post from @freddlm, an entrepeneur looking oportunities on blockchain by creating aliances with comunities and steem comunitys trough the services they offer, it has 720 words but it's for sure a tier 3 post because the post jumps from one point to another, and these points has relation, also are very interesting and unique, no doubt it's a post made it with love, even when they don't had to much time to get posting due to their constant work on phisic plane.

tier 1 post!

this post is a shoutout to a podcast interviewin @juanmanuellopez1 who is a venezuelan intrepeneur working for musicians! he had a discord server and he's compiling information about steemit to make it easier to musicians near their vibe!.

we've talked a bit this morning and i surely want to know more about what' he's working and doing on this interview!

this post from @edwardstobia he's using his SonicGroove delegation from winning #SGL contest from musicians to curate post and his sending his motivation to this pals trough the word and the vibe, what could be more entrepeneurial for blockchain than being using your delegations to encourage people? Tier 3 publication!.

in this post @alpvente tell us about how Venezuelans celebrate Halloween having an approach from various points of view, also, on his post his suggest this:

mi recomendación es que siempre que queramos participar en algo investiguemos y aprendamos lo más que podamos sobre ello, entonces así podremos darle aún más significado personal y disfrutarlo mucho más.

no doubt the spitir of encouragement is spreaded on an entire range of action and every user of the plattform, new or old, has to be a doer to keep things on flow.


Excellent entries @joseacabrerav! I agree with you about the second post also, despite being a bit short on words he definitely made up for it in context/relevance to the int tag, whilst still managing to provide value to his audience. Well done!