
in #integritymatters6 years ago (edited)

This isn't about a personal beef with the 'entitled one', and I know it's not going to make me any new friends. It's more about loving and searching for the truth.

The plan is, to address it once, for all, and be done with it. Really, I have much more interesting things going on guys. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate streamer peeps because, throughout all this, I’ve at least learned some things. Sometimes it’s only for the entertainment value //shout-out De-Fang-Go// in an otherwise serious undertaking of stripping away layers to get to the truth.



It started towards the end of 2016 and on into 2017 where I realized I’ve been duped…embarrassingly and painfully duped, and I’ve kept quiet for so long. Who wants to admit to being duped, right? Needless to say, there aren’t as many people on my watch list anymore, I’ve cleaned it out somewhat.

But, sometime last week I found myself watching Defango drive along in the desert saying he was going to put an end to himself. It did worry me. I mean, he’s a prankster, but you just never know right? He did really seem upset about big daddy YouTube taking away his streaming ability.

((maybe because he would no longer have the chance to show us what a nice guy he can be to people on airplanes, who knows?))

It’s not that I’m a regular viewer of his munch-filled rants-n-antics, but I always seem to catch the guy when he’s in some kind of self-imposed kerfuffle.


He’s driving around in the desert somewhere, stumbles into a church and begins to pray the Lord’s prayer. Weird how that particular video is down (why?). It was one of his more meaningful ones anyway.

Man, Defango has a lot of friends and people that love him, a girl could get jealous. I wonder if he knows what a true gift that really is? Yet he messes with people’s feelings like that.


A day later, he showed up on his Twitter, and being genuinely relieved that he didn’t hurt himself I mentioned it to him. The response I got surprised me a little…



During this small and obscure bout of sisterly affection (cross my heart, I’m glad he didn’t hurt himself) I overlooked the fact that he acted like a complete Defango to a woman with children and basically everyone around him.

As most people know by now, Defango isn’t his real name, but to me it doesn’t matter anyway. It's a stage name, and I see nothing wrong with it. I use a pseudonym as a stage name myself, so why would I be annoyed if someone else does? That wouldn’t make a lick of sense would it?

One of his listeners, [hermoneyness] cared enough to comment and thinks going by a pseudonym and living in different parts of the world automatically make you dishonest. Um, according to billions of others in the world, you live in a different part of the world, get it?

Maybe hermoneyness’s parents were the creative type, and projected their angst about the cost of raising a kid into her name? Either that or she’s going by a fake name too. That’s called hypocrisy.


So it turns out one of Defango’s greatest supporters is a reformed Q-tuber with exactly 2 subscribers and a video introducing yet another evidence-gathering site. Here is a shout out to hermoneyness, maybe someone would like to subscribe to more Q non::cents::

It’s all happening, soon, just send us your evidence and wait.

Ok, let’s get serious. No you say, let’s not.

This will come across awfully preachy

True, there are more important issues, but this whole thing didn’t leave me cold. For some reason, I have this odd sense of concern…not only for Defango, but his viewers that genuinely like him too. You can be smart, witty and intelligent all you want, but what really matters in the end is what’s in your heart. I’m speaking to those that were really worried about him while he was out there, you know who you are. I know you love the guy, but there comes a point when a false sense of concern turns into enabling, It’s kind of important to discern. Did anyone call the authorities out of concern? Or a friend of his that could intervene? Or his father?

I’m pragmatic about it, adults that want to end their life, I say, be careful of your soul…you will probably carry that bad energy with you and you don’t want that. It will take time in the afterlife to set that straight, if it’s possible. I think it is, but also, I think our purpose here is to work it out before we die.

Does everyone know what the opposite of hypocrisy is? It’s called [in-teg-ri-tee]

As far as the little twitter jab, I could have taken what people call the high road and just ignored it, saved myself a few minutes (err, hours) of contemplation and writing, but there is more at stake than a silly ego trip. Is it really taking the high road when we ignore things?

It’s about our own willful ignorance, which is 1) not going to make it go away, and 2) not a sign of love.

Think about it, if you were being misled, wouldn't you appreciate it if someone gave you more information? People always tend to kill off the messenger and disregard the message.

For the love of truth and integrity, let’s do better, let's do the right thing. And for God's sake, if you’re going to call yourself a Christian don’t take your Lord Jesus’ name in vain when you pray, because He loves you.

Blessings of Grace, love, and light your way <3

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Very well put! Those are the thoughts I had while observing this wretched act of manipulation.

His ego will be his downfall. Great analysis.

Egos have a way of doing that, lol. Thanks for the head's up.

everyone goes a little crazy sometimes. Come on now - stay in reality. I checked if defango was OK. He was but that couple of days was seriously stressful for him. OK you are right maybe he should have thought about the effects before he made the video. But sometimes rationality goes out the window. There was no reason for him to do this out of manipulation. Think about it where did it get him? nowhere. He streams his life and I suppose that is the point. It was just a bad few days nothing more nothing less.

It's not anything personal against him...He's influencing gullible minds, and that's why it was written. They can make better decisions if they have more information, but you can lead a horse to water, that doesn't mean it's gonna drink from it.