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RE: Dissecting Intelligence

in #intelligence8 years ago (edited)

"6. Cognitive biases: In a way, the mind will prioritize acceptance over seeing the truth."

"7) Subconscious blocking of creativity, intuition and pattern recognition: Admitting the truth -> world-view change -> hard to relate or express the truth -> relations or social status in jeopardy -> acceptance in jeopardy -> getting love in jeopardy."

This issue, of conformity to being liked, not rocking the boat, getting along, making friends, etc., is one of the BIGGEST issues we face in seeking, accepting, embodying, living and sharing /speaking the truth to others, especially moral truth, since that is the hardest truth to face in the mirror for many.


"8) Beliefs related to one's intelligence:",

This also applies to egoistic arrogant self-perception, self-views and self-images of being right when wrong, and not needing to hear/read and learn what someone is actually saying. I have someone who wants to not read my posts, not understand, and project their ignorance, while appealing to themselves as an authority of knowledge by trying to elevate their status as having a "PhD" (appeal to authority). Now they are trolling my posts and being a mean "spirited" ass, calling me bullshit. This pseudo-intellectual harassment is very low-quality thinking arrogance that many so-called "intelligent" people fall into.

Great post! Upvoted/followed.

Take care. Peace.



Regarding the last paragraph, I view it like this: Everything I write could be considered good for some, or bullshit for others. I don't have an issue with it... I mean, the moment you expose your ideas you have to be prepared for the worst-case scenarios. And obviously we can't go around trying to convince anyone for the value of our writings. If someone likes them, ok, if not, it's ok too - life goes on.

There are too many ideologies, philosophies, life experiences, ways of thinking, to achieve a convergence in the way people think - so it will be a hit'n'miss. You could say something as simple as "women are awesome" and someone else would say "women are bitches - they ruined my life". Whether it involves life experiences or "theories", it's all debatable. Even the "constant" of the speed of light is ...debatable: