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RE: Consciously Directing Intention To Create Reality - My Daily Struggle

in #intention7 years ago

Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

John 10:34

We are made in the image of God. This is why we are considered little gods and powerful beings. We weren't given this gift to manifest material wealth into existence but instead to do His will (e.g. Healing others, Loving, Helping).

We have an Enemy that doesn't sleep nor slumber hence why we need such a gift.


Right, the power to create with our mind is something that we abuse easily (without knowing it most of the time) to follow low vibrational desires. To direct our thoughts to create out of love and selflessness is certainly the way to go and I believe much easier to manifest than something thath only helps ourselves. On the other hand, that doesn't mean we cannot attract wealth and power IF we are aiming to use that entirely to elevate others.

Do you believe that low vibrational entities whisper stuff into our ears to manipulate us to experience what they desire? I often enough think about stuff that is not really my own thoughts or has anything to do with my values and believe system. If that happens I just let those thoughts pass and focus on who I really am. Then those thoughts disappear.