New Year. New You. We have all heard this phrase, maybe even declared it ourselves. But I have concluded that you becoming has nothing to do with a new year. It is actually a mindset. I've tried to get on the bandwagon of changing or becoming better at the turn of a new year, but fail miserably. My mindset or my will to do better must change in order to see change. Perfect example... I want to lose weight. Well, if I'm not willing to give up the cheesecake, I don't see that happening any time soon 😂. BUT I'm working on it! But in all honesty, I want to become more intentional about my goals and purpose.
With the ways of the world and our timelines flooding with others "successes" it can become daunting to even focus on your goals because we're driven to compare ours with what we see others succeed in. Well in this season, I'm letting go of the status quo and am choosing to become more intentional with my life and how I live it.
“Intentional living is the art of making our own choices before others' choices make us.”
Richie Norton
Organize Your Thoughts Intentionally
One of my main focus this season is to spend more time in the Word and journal. I know I have said this before, but I'm a witness that journaling and writing, in general, is a great time stamp of what you've read and heard. I became more intentional about writing in 2017 during my church's year-end consecration. God spoke to me and I wanted to be sure I didn't forget what He said concerning me so I wrote it down. What I failed to do was keep that notebook to just journaling and not grocery shopping lists and child drawings. This time, I will be transferring my notes to a new notebook dedicated to journaling alone and disciplining myself not to use it for any other purpose. If my thoughts are organized, my life will benefit from it.
Organize My Daily Life Intentionally
My life is hectic and that is my doing. I am a home school mom. I am also a dance mom and TaeKwonDo mom six days a week by choice. My children are thriving in their extracurricular activities, but I need balance. Although my children have committed this year to their activities, I need to keep in mind of my own goals and duties. Because I can't change their commitments this year, that means I need to use the time I have, for my own sanity. This means waking up early and completing tasks that will be impossible to accomplish while dealing with my children. Easier said than done, huh?! It is so easy to stay in bed til 7 even 8 am, but I have already began my days early and I can say, I've gotten a look of work done. Organizing my life intentionally is the need of balance and rest. It is easy to fill up my day with things to do, but taking care of self is most important.
Designing a More Simplistic Life
Because things are so hectic this extracurricular year, I'm looking forward to resting and better time management. With that being said, this year, saying no will be my anthem to a lot of people and opportunities. And I AM OK WITH THAT. I am ok with living my life with less and in return gaining so much more. My calendar does not have to be filled with unnecessary business. I will be focusing on my goals. Spending more meaningful time with family and close friends and making memories. You can't get much simpler than that!
How can you make your life more simplistic? Minimalistic? Start now with making your life more meaningful. Before every action, there is a moment given to process the reaction. Make sure those moments given are used wisely and thought through. That short moment will determine the outcome of your journey.
“An unintentional life accepts everything and does nothing. An intentional life embraces only the things that will add to the mission of significance.”
John C. Maxwell, Intentional Living: Choosing a Life That Matters
Posted from my blog at Burns Homestead : https://www.burnshomestead.com/2019/01/08/becoming-more-intentional/