RE: This is for all my fellow Architecture / Interior Design / Home Decor lovers!
If you’ve been following my blog on Steemit or even my Instagram,
you might have noticed my slight obsession with Design and Patterns especially when it comes to Architecture and Interior Design. As a child you have different dream jobs you hope to pursue when you’re „old“. There are different phases we go through and after I gave up on trying to become a nickelodeon actress and later on flight attendant, I wanted to become an Interior Designer, because beautiful designs, structures and patterns has always been a passion of mine.
And even though today my life is completely different and I fell in love with digital entrepreneurship and the study of attention shift and human psychology in regards to the digital era, I still enjoy and appreciate beautifully designed homes and am determined to at some point launch a collection of my own interior and home decor dreams. This is actually a true fact about me.. I prefer to go home decor and art shopping over clothes any time of the day and can’t wait to design my own, but until then will continue to window-shop for home inspiration.
Last episode <<here>>
Now over years I have screen-shotted and photographed unique home designs, architecture and interior and am now going to share with you some of my faves. In this episode I share with you some of the most stunning:
Bathroom Interior Designs
This particular room of a home, is one of my top favorite places when it comes to design. I remember as a child being at my grandmother's house, spending hours in her bathroom, re-decorating and in the bathtub. My favorite design pattern you might be able to guess already, but that's for a different post.
In general during my years of travel I have found the best bathroom in India, which was inside, but felt like outdoor, because of the large glass ceilings. On the complete opposite end I found another incredible bathroom in Miami, Florida in a skyscraper apartment with a view over the city. Now you might think, who cares about extravagant bathrooms and you're right it's not important at all and you might not be interested in this at all, but if you do appreciate beautiful design and views this is some inspiration for your interior soul:
These are all pretty modern designs, and there are so many other styles that I adore as well, but this is only a small selection.
What is a passion of yours and which of the bathrooms do you prefer?
Much love,
- Mrs.Steemit
Hello Uma
You can always achieve your dream of becoming A great Interior Designer
@brian-rhodes here on Steemit, started his screenwriting career in his Fifties.
There is no dream too big, Or Dreamer too Small.
I like No 9, the glass design gives an Illusion of more space and Freedom
Thanks for sharing
Amazing post ! Would love to get some tips from you when I'm gonna buy a 5000. Sq house :)

This is ridiculous!!!HF 19 is the best thing that happened to steemians yet...
I'm screaming like a little girl!
I even made $80 on 1 comment recently!
Sure, reach out to me when you do :)
And yup pretty crazy, I'm curious how the market will adjust..
Thanks your encouraging words and this great example! I completely agree with you that it's never too late to follow your dreams. I feel blessed to say that I'm living my dream and interior is something I will do for myself and friends. Just like with dance, it's my passion and I will always do it for fun and don't need or want to earn money with it. An achievement is simply being able to do it in my opinion at least. No.9 looks perfect I agree :)
I couldn't agree with you more, I returned to university in my forties and now I'm 51 and I have 3 degrees! It's never too late to be what you might have been.
Love these bathroom shots, definitely inspirational! My favorites are #1 and #9 for their clean, modern, minimal design and their views! I love the large windows that frame the view and that the interior is minimal so as to not detract from the views. I wouldn't mind living in either of these homes!
Great observation. I completely agree, less is often more especially in interior and home decor.
Truly inspire
Beautiful pictures!!! You do carefully need to consider during interior.I would trust a professional to do it.I like the first picture with mountain view.
Thanks. I love to play around with it
That feeling of being outside though you are inside shows through in many of your examples here.
They each have a feeling of security and homeliness - I'd have a hard time leaving with a nice glass of wine and music, haha.
My top picks are 2, 8, and 9. The views from those 3 are wondrous.
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful designs, are you a designer yourself???
Thank you, that's a sweet of you. I'm not professionally, I just like it :)
I am a builder, and I do say you have some expensive tastes.
Lol I guess so, at least partly and to a healthy degree :D
Awesome would definitely wish spend majority of their time in those bath tubs.
Thanks! I surely would love to experience them all.
Number 9 is paradise!
These bathrooms are incredible! To think I have now just saw my dream bathroom. My dream bathroom is #6 and cannot even wait to have something so pretty. Thank you for making this amazing post!
I love how you use the art of speaking things into existence. Instead of saying "I wish" you say "I cannot even wait". I'm happy you found your dream bathroom. Let me know when it's been manifested. All the best to you! :)
You can do it believ in your self dont give up your dreams keep go for gold never give up.
Your art is amazing
I absolutely love the photos. I wish I had one of those baths to come home to, especially in this heat. Also that first photo.. is that a real 'Steemit' table or has it been photo shopped?
Same! And that would have been cool but I have to admit it's photoshop
Beautiful interior designing great work! Wish I had the kind if money to make my house nice like that or buy a new house that looks that gorgeous!
If it's humanly possible, it's possible for you :)
You got some pretty creative things here
ummm... I'd trade my apartment for bathtub #9
Me too :D
resteeming! now!
and following and upvoted, thank you for the beautiful curation @mrs.steemit :*
I like bathroom #2.
Hello,The sky isnt the limit, if you want you can reach anything you want in life just believe in yourself and be yourself
Don't let anyone discourage you
You can do it go grab your dream
Your work is classy. The bath tub with greens behind was the best. With that beautiful lady. Great hahha
Thanks :)
I've stayed at a resort where the Tub was very similar to number 9.
We felt a little exposed, but it was fantastic. The sound of the waves lapping at the posts. Great memories.
Ugh so perfect, where was it?
nice choices, when I become a steemit millionaire I will make sure to revisit this post...better off..I'll print it so when time comes I will make my choice of which one I want :) Upvoted!
DO IT and comment again when it happens! :)
will do my friend :)
Some beautiful designs, to be sure... I guess my faves would be #1 and #5... I'm guessing the latter would be Bali or somewhere like that.
Actually, my favorite bathrooms are at The Inn at Langley on Whidbey Island Washington-- big jetted tubs overlooking a bay from front row; the showers and tubs are all part of one integrated room with slate walls.
This is not exactly "light" reading, but since you're interested in both design and psychology, have you ever read Christopher Alexander's "A Pattern Langauge?" It's a great background work on WHY we are attracted to certain designs, and the underlying psychology and "bones" behind why certain things seem to "work" naturally, and others don't.
Oh that sounds brilliant, I'll have to look into what you described.
Also I haven't read this book, but thank you for the suggestion I will make sure to check it! :)
OMG! I must say you've got fine taste!
I relate to what you said about having dreams when you're young and they evolve along with you as you grow up and as life's circumstances change. I used to dream of being a doctor as a kid, then a Bill Gates at some point, then I fell in love with writing, before finally meeting my soulmate "digital investing."
The decor is superb! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks so much!
It's amazing where life takes you when you go with the flow
Some of these are absolutely beautiful.
I wish I could live in such lavish places
They are. Believe it, achieve it and let me know when you do :)
Wow what a beautiful post of interior design. You will surely do good in this business. Keep it up
Thanks! If only I was an interior designer :D
wow, then be one!!! Add the job to your great work here and I will continue powering up my steem in order to be able to afford your work. Good one. Following you in order to see more.
Whoa girl, you sure know how to own some posts. Keep it up
Thanks :)
Nice collection
I need #9 in my life asap =)
Same here!
Absolutely gorgeous! Oh, and the pictures are nice too :)
Lol I upvoted and then realized what you mean 😅
You know I love the designs as much as you do. Super great posts, you always find the best pictures! <3
Btw, the first picture is so bomb!
Thanks love!
Did you realize that you are an artistic being? You love beauty and have a strong sense of taste. You also have a good pair or eyes. Keep it going. Im gonna follow you and see what that leads me to learn about beauty in a different way.
Interesting observation. I do think art is related to everything I do and is a part of me.
ugh they're all so pretty. But I have to say number 3 is my favorite. Gotta love a good bathroom. All of them are goals lol
I'm literally marble obsessed. I'll probably do one episode just about marble :D
Taking a long bath with an EPIC view is heaven !! ;)
Wow~ So beautiful~!!
I feel like this article is geared towards very big, spacious bathrooms which is not really the case for most people I believe... maybe try some suggestions for smaller ones as well? I know for a fact that Brits appreciate it more :)
I agree that this is more window shopping than actual shopping as I mentioned in the post.
I am aware that those bathrooms are more dream than reality for most and I will take into consideration doing an episode less fancy. This one was meant to touch interior-souls who adore beautiful designs (I actually haven't thought about the price and just enjoyed the images, so I saved them)
so beautiful and very creative .
Wow great post, really good photos.
I have to say though, the checker board bath, Way over the top for me. I would get ditsy and fall down after a couple glasses of wine.
All the rest are beautiful!
Good job
wonderfull interior , i follow u you follow me
I really like the number 1 design. Must be expensive.
nice photos,, i like the concept, your dress matches the interior.
Ugh, I want to own all those rooms...
I wish someone would give me the money to put these plans into action.
Or.. print out your favorite image, hang it in your bedroom and use it as motivation to work towards that goal :)
love everything. thanks for sharing.
Loved the cityscape bathroom, I could sit there very happily !! :-)
Upvoted ! What attracted me the most was the bathroom shots and the views they show , would be nice after a stressful day to just lay in the tubs and see the world outside . Amazing
Thanks! I agree and wish I was there right now.
Welcome back after such a long time
I like 6 for the setting, 8 because it is suspended, 10 because of the view!
Beautiful choices!
so beautiful photos, number 1 is my favorite :)
#7! I like how it looks like it is floating!
Yes, me too!