Do you want to see your investment in the hive prosper?
Are you willing to take on some personal responsibility to work towards that happening?
Do you have 310 hive?
Maybe sell some of your hbd while the price of hive needs some support?
Create an account.
This account will be an exclusively trading alt account.
Go to hive-engine.
Buy 10 hive worth of helios.
Send it to the alt account.
Select the bolinger band bot, or any of the others, they are all nearly identical in returns for me so far.
Burn the helios to get your bot set up.
Set your settings to 1hbd/6hive.
Send the 300 hive to the alt account.
Swap 100 hive for hbd.
Swapping back and forth will be your periodic maintenance.
When one side is less than 10 transactions, swap for some more.
Running out of one side or the other can result in losses.
Also, sometimes the market runs against you, that is just how gambling works.
All losses I've incurred are currently back in the green.
By doing this, you are helping hive to have more liquidity without minute to minute monitoring on your part.
It's not gonna pay you enough to be worth alot of time, but once you have the genie out of the bottle it works with minimal maintenance. customer service.
Are you are tired of paying your masters to bomb children in far away places?
Perhaps it is time you pushed back on that.
A simple way that anybody can do that is to hoard your coins.
The fed buys coins at face value from the mint.
A dollar of change in your pocket is a dollar of value out of the banksters' pockets.
Stop playing in their shell game that allows them to play in the amusement parks from hell and shop in the human grocery stores.
Bro, I have ~14 hours of work and a two hour commute ahead of me today to help a friend in need. I just don't have the capacity to manage my Hive tokens so closely. Holding HBD in savings is the best I can do while Hive persists. At least by that means I invest my stake in Hive and enable others of attain economic development by lending my stake to those that do have freer schedules.
The real problem Hive faces is parasitism by the ninja mining oligarchy that maintains a death grip on the witnesses, desperately suppressing growth to prevent outside stake from investing enough in Hive stake to dislodge the ticks from the rewards pool. Until unrestrained taxation of production ends, and Hive is governed by a civil society rather than a raw plutocracy, it's unlikely anything we do can help nominally. As you demonstrate both nominal interest and availability for the purpose, perhaps you can investigate how to resolve those issues such that Hive, or a fork, can become able to fulfill it's original promise to enable forthright social media content to be funded by the rewards pool mechanism from a free society of equals.
I hope someone can, and wish I could, but either I help my friend today or he loses his home and he will suffer dramatically reduced prosperity.
Thanks! trades hbd/hive, it works on the internal market.
It takes a bit to get it set up, and a daily few minutes to keep the sides balanced, but other than that it runs in the background.
I thought that death grip would have loosened by now, but the lack of adoption seems to have held it back.
Nothing exceeds like excess. Absent a fairly deep investigation of how ROI is attained on Hive, investors have only a cursory glance at metrics to guide their interest, as do potential users. Both are well discouraged by the obfuscatory and punitive taxation mechanism of DV's.
Almost Everything is on keychain only access now. Requiring a PC only as keychain cannot function on mobile to gain access to websites such as tribaldex and hive engine.
No shoes
No shirt
No service
Have you tried the browser inside keychain?
I haven't used mobile much.
There is a keychain app for mobile.
Yes and it doesn't work to sign into websites on mobile.
It works perfect for me as long as it's updated. Maybe it's a geolocation issue?
For as long as keychain has remained available on mobile, it has never worked for me on the various mobile devices I have had. So I think you may be on to something here. I live in "Mexico".
I used to just use hivesigner for accessing these websites but now neither is available. I can still stake and unstable using peaked but it doesn't always show my 2nd layer tokens either.
You might try a VPN then. Set it to a US node and see if it changes anything. There are free VPNs available, like Brave browser has a built in one.
Never traded HIVE Engine tokens. I thinj I should do some soon.
This bot trades hbd/hive on the internal market. is the h-e bot, but volumes don't really justify the price now.
Posted using MemeHive
He was just going through a stage.
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of holovision
@antisocialist, I sent you anMe encanta ese robot