Why Buddhists of Myanmer can't tolerate Rohingya Muslims ?

in #international7 years ago

According to Rohingyas, they are indigenous to Rakhine State, while the Burmese historians claim that they migrated to Burma from Bengal primarily during the period of British rule in Burma, and to a lesser extent, after the Burmese independence in 1948 and Bangladesh Liberation War in 1971.

But a major number of buddhist monks deny their sayings. They don't want the Rohingya muslims to be a part of their country. They claim that, Rohingyas are actually the people of Bangladesh.

From the religious point of view the buddhist monks can not tolerate the muslims in Rakhine state. Most of them think that, Rohingya muslims are offensive for their culture and religion. Some 90% of Myanmar's population is Buddhist but the notion that Islam threatens Buddhism is prevalent, according to a new report from the International Crisis Group, which says the idea often appears in mass publications and popular religious materials.
"The feeling that Islam is especially pernicious ... frustrates Buddhists who believe that their faith has suffered for its tolerance of other religions,"

But, Myanmar is home to other Muslim communities and they have had their mosques attacked and schools closed down, according to the ICG report, which warns of potential communal violence across the country.

Religious fighting is actually unnecessary. One must obey their religion. But, no one should feel offended with any religion. Because, no religion supports chaos.


stop killing rohingga

You already said why?

I said the reason why buddhists of myanmar can't tolerate The Rohingya muslims

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That's a great post... Really i like that post...