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RE: We Need an Internet Bill Of Rights and We Need It Now

in #internet7 years ago

CNN's Oliver Darcy is suggesting that it was the MSM working together to take down Alex Jones. Think about that. The MSM in a coordinated effort pressured these social media platforms to take down a person who competes in their genre of business. Are these platforms going to perform a mass purge of all the other people that are in violation of their TOS? I'm guessing not because it's people like Alex Jones who has 2.4 million subscribers, over 36k videos and 1.5 or 1.6 billion views. Isn't it concerning that these platforms worked collectively to take out one person? Doesn't that clearly illustrate a bias? What about all the other people who are in violation of the TOS and how is it the MSM's job to pressure social media outlets? We already see a collective effort on the part of the MSM to take down a sitting president.