In this latest shocking development we hear how Theresa May wants to introduce a Government controlled Internet in the UK. It was only a few months ago new rules were implemented forcing Internet providers in the UK to hold records of everyone's browsing history. Well, now it seems she would like to go one step further and just control the internet.
On the surface it may seem well intended, however rest assured this is not about protecting the innocent, this is not even about counter-terrorism.
This is about controlling the narrative on the largest form of media communication available to the UK population.
Yet another reason I'm not voting for the old hag! The list gets longer and longer each time she opens her mouth!
She is piece of work that May, look at the bags under her eye's she cant sleep at night. I wonder why?
Good info.I won't be voting for any of the morons. Check my post about why your vote won't count and follow me at @tremendospercy
I have no words. If the government takes away the freedom which the internet provides thats madness. But unfortuantly as long as most people can browse thier algorithm plauged facebook they wont care. Another one of our freedoms worth fighting for being eroded away. Sad sad times :(