What is Internet Marketing & how it works?

in #internetmarketing4 years ago (edited)


Internet marketing is an all-encompassing term that relates to the online marketing of products and services. This strategy includes various methods and platforms for communicating with customers, such as websites, email, social media, and online advertising.

Read more about what internet marketing is, its importance in the business world, and understanding how it works.

Get to know Internet Marketing

Internet marketing is a form of marketing that only occurs online. In other words, the marketing efforts undertaken by a business are carried out on the internet.

Internet marketing involves several methods to drive traffic to an advertiser's website.

This strategy also includes marketing efforts to drive traffic to websites where consumers can purchase advertisers' products.

Internet marketing is actually similar to digital marketing, but what makes it different is that digital marketing still applies non-internet electronic marketing.

Internet marketing is a fast growing business. Why is that so? Because now almost everyone uses the internet every day.

Internet marketing is also growing rapidly because more people are buying goods and services online, for example shopping for products that are booming in the marketplace.

The Covid-19 pandemic factor has also forced everyone to limit direct interaction so that inevitably every buying and selling activity is shifted to online.

Some examples of methods used in internet marketing are email listings, banner ads, PPC (Pay Per Click), and social media marketing. Internet marketing is a rapidly growing business marketing strategy.

Internet Marketing= Online Advertising

Online advertising has been around since the 1990s when the internet started to become popular globally.

It is a subset of internet marketing and refers to the use of websites or other online networks as an advertising medium. In other words, online advertising is the same as advertising on the internet.

Advertisers place promotional messages on smartphone, tablet, laptop, desktop and television screens.

Today we can call televisions with internet access a 'smart TV' because more and more people are buying new TVs and leaving their old ones. In the next few years, the word 'television' will change to 'smart TV'.

We can also use the terms web advertising, digital advertising, online marketing, and internet advertising with the same meaning as online advertising.

Many people will understand the meaning of internet marketing is the same as online advertising.

The word online, in this context, refers to the internet. In other words, all of its activities are connected to the internet network.

Why is Internet Marketing Important?

Internet marketing is important because it can expand the reach of businesses and allow them to connect with more prospects who are interested in their business.

Internet marketing is also important to adjust the way consumers choose, find, and buy your products and services.

For example, you own a hotel business. You can reach customers online through digital marketing strategies. Where when a prospective customer searches through the internet, your service appears on their cellphone screen.

With internet marketing, you can connect with customers using their preferred communication channel. The internet also allows you to build strong and long-lasting relationships with your customer base.

In addition to the reasons above, internet marketing is important because:

Can encourage a better return on investment (ROI). Internet marketing strategies are more cost effective than traditional marketing strategies.

This strategy has a better ROI because you can target more interested prospects making them more likely to convert.

Internet marketing allows you to reach more interested audiences. Online marketing allows you to reach an audience that is interested in your product or service.

By using internet marketing, you can reach all audiences who are interested in your business, both locally and internationally.

In addition, internet marketing also allows you to stay in touch with your audience whenever and wherever you are: with automation and other techniques available for internet marketing, you can stay in touch with your audience 24/7 so you can be there. to welcome those who are ready to transact, no matter the time zone.

Internet marketing can be adapted to any type of industry and any size of business. No matter what industry or size your business is, internet marketing can adapt perfectly to deliver the desired results because your audience is guaranteed to be always online.

Lastly, internet marketing provides an easy and convenient way for audiences to convert.

The internet makes it easy for your audience to convert. All it takes is the push of a button to buy, register, download or contact your business.

How Internet Marketing Works

Internet marketing uses customers' online activities to connect them with businesses by reaching them in various places on the internet. The type of internet marketing a company uses will depend on its business model, product type, target customers, budget, and much more.

1. Website Content and Design

Business websites allow customers to:

Find your business online;

Learn your business location or contact information;

Find your product or service;

Sign up to your email list;

Request more information;

Make a purchase of a product or service.

Websites can use Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to ensure that their content will rank higher in search engines and be easy for customers to find.

2. Email Marketing

You can use email to send direct mail electronically, not through the post office. Collect customer emails, either through purchase trails or website registrations, and then use those emails to share important information, thereby driving purchases and building good relationships.

Email allows you to reach your customers individually and personally. A 2019 retail study looked at over a billion shopping sessions which found that email marketing had a conversion rate of 2.5%, compared to social media's 1.1%.

3. Social media

Most consumers use some type of social media, although which type you will use will depend on the behavior of your target market.

More than 90% of 18- to 29-year-olds use social media, and although their use declines with age, social media can still be used to reach consumers across all age groups. More than 60% of those over the age of 65 use some type of social media, and that number is likely to continue to grow.

Older consumers tend to use platforms like Facebook; millennials use Instagram more often; and younger consumers will be attracted to video platforms, such as TikTok or YouTube.

Find out where your ideal customer spends their time, then focus your marketing efforts there.

4. Blogging

Blogging allows you to improve your website's SEO by adding articles and posts around certain keywords. This can increase the likelihood that customers will find and visit your website as a result of their online search.

You can also write for other people's blogs, magazines, or websites. This can increase your audience and put your business in front of many potential customers.

Posting content on other people's sites, also known as guest blogging, is an effective way to increase the visibility of your business online. It lets you connect with completely new people.

There are many sites that accept guest posts. You just need to work extra hard to create quality content that represents you speaking to your targeted audience.

5. Video and Podcasting

Some content creators who often make videos or podcasts take advantage of this opportunity as their only business area. You can also use this platform to build relationships, connect with others in the industry, and create a channel for new customers to discover and develop interest in your product or service.

Podcasts are becoming an increasingly popular platform. More and more podcasts that we can enjoy every day.

6. Online Advertising

Online advertising comes in many forms. For example, Pay Per Click ads placed on search engines can target specific search terms that potential customers might use. Targeted ads on social media are designed to reach a specific segment of platform users who may be interested in your products, services and business promotions.

You can also place sidebar ads on other people's websites or in their email marketing. Online advertising is most effective if it is "aligned" or relevant to where it appears or what the target audience is looking for.

Personalization can also increase response rates to online advertising, especially in the early stages of the consumer decision-making process. However, personalization is effective when ads appear in the most aligned locations.

7. Paid Sponsorships and Promotions

You can take advantage of the audience that others have built by doing sponsorships or paid promotions. You can pay someone who has a social media account following that matches your target market to discuss, use, promote, or share your products and services with their followers.

This can increase brand awareness and drive sales, especially if you pair this campaign with a promo code or special offer.