Welcome To A New Internet !!!

in #internxt8 years ago (edited)


Internxt is a Peer-To-Peer (P2P) cloud computing network that allows users from all over the globe to cooperate in the creation of a decentralized internet. Users can sell the resources of their machines to those looking to host their data in a more private, secure and efficient way. Internxt’s cloud platform will not only offer a better alternative to traditional cloud services in terms of technology, but it will also strive to be competitive in terms of price. Besides that, we also strive to make our technology intuitive and as user friendly as already existing top-tier services. We want to make sure this new internet is accessible by everyone, regardless of their knowledge, thus we want to focus on providing a seamless transition from traditional services to Internxt, without compromising on features.

Why :
There are many online industries where decentralized computing systems are uprooting existing businesses. With the rise Bitcoin and its underlying technology, industries like online commerce, file storage amongst many more, are being disrupted by shifting to more decentralized models. Blockchain technology enables many of such applications to be decentralized. P2P systems differ from other distributed systems in enabling the user network to function without the need for an entity monitoring them. In pure P2P architectures, there are no centralized services or control mechanisms dictating the actions of other nodes. Each user decides with how many computing resources he/she will contribute to the network, as well as when and for how long. The architecture is designed to handle large numbers of nodes joining or leaving the network at the same time. In addition, these systems emphasize equality and balance the load across nodes. This flexibility, self-determination and low participation cost encourages a much larger number of participants, which, in turn, greatly increases the number and value of the services provided by the system to all. We plan to make use of such architecture and create a robust network that will be the foundation stone of our technology. Everything ran on Internxt’s network will be built using P2P technology. By spreading the files over the network and removing the central points of failure we remove data centralization and get enhanced security, which is a big flaw of cloud computing that is present today.
A major issue with existing cloud platforms is security and data centralization. In fact, cloud computing is a computing paradigm, an abstraction where data and services are accessible all over the network to authorized users and processes. Abstraction of computing away from the physical host entails a loss of control of corporate data and loss of visibility into where the data lives and who has access to it. Another dimension to cloud computing with very serious implications for security is the deployment model: who owns the infrastructure and how is it accessed. A Private cloud refers to a collection of resources used by a single organization. This is typically owned and managed by the organization itself, and hence in practical terms is little different than any other data owned and managed by that enterprise. A Public cloud refers to resources accessible by anyone usually over the public internet, managed and owned by a third party. A third category, Hybrid cloud, refers to a combination of private and public clouds along with the connecting fabric between the two. Our cloud brings a new and revolutionary solution into this. The data is spread on public network run by users, but all the files are encrypted before
being sent out. There are no single points for the hackers to attack, it is very hard for someone to grab a hold of files, and even if they do get them, they cannot use them without the private key held by user. By using such architecture, our cloud is better built than any other available solution, and it benefits in many matters. We want to fight this security and privacy issues the current internet is facing with the development of Internxt.

Websites and Applications
We want to develop a decentralized solution through which users can create and browse any kind of decentralized application, static or dynamic website. Decentralized applications include any application that is currently built on Java, php etc. Decentralized apps and websites would be built with OpenShift technology, and it would include all the languages supported by default in OpenShift, although we would add more languages as we develop the technology. Decentralized websites would be able to be created via SFTP and SSH, and browsable from any Web browser,
through http protocol. Combining industry standard technologies with powerful automation features would improve both the time from idea to having the infrastructure ready for either staging or going directly to production. Our decentralized web and application hosting would be much secure than other solutions, thanks to the distribution of files. Users will be able to deploy and run websites and applications on computing resources running on novel P2P Grid application virtualization. Websites and Apps would be completely distributed, which would make these much
more secure than traditional centralized services. Secure Massive Scale Object Storage (dCDN)
The concept of object storage was introduced in the early 1990’s by the research community. Since then it has greatly matured. An object is defined as data (typically a file) along with all its metadata, all bundled up as an object. This object is given an ID that is typically calculated from the content of that object (both file and metadata) itself. An object is always retrieved by an application by presenting the object ID to object storage. Unlike files and file systems, objects are
stored in a flat structure. You have a pool of objects, and you simply ask for a given object by presenting its object ID. Objects may be local or geographically separated, but because they are in a flat address space, they are retrieved the same way. An object is not limited to any type or amount of metadata.
Internxt will enable the creation of P2P self-managed, shared and secure storage for storage networks. This moves lower-level functionalities such as space management into the storage device itself, accessing the device through a standard object interface In an object store environment space is allocated by the object store and not by the higher-level
software such as a file system. Users of an object store, e.g., the file system, operate on data by performing operations such as creating an object, reading/writing at a logical location in the object, and deleting the object. In addition, all operations carry a credential, and it is the responsibility of the object store to validate that the user’s request carries a valid credential. This per-object credential allows the storage to enforce different access rights for different portions of a volume on an object granularity.