Cancellation of membership in Interpol.

in #interpol5 years ago

I write to Inform Interpol und its member states that, due to annulment of German state {1} and mental illness of Germans {2}, the membership of Germany in Interpol is no longer given.

The cancellation of membership in Interpol also concerns all other states declared to be under the jurisdiction of the community Rus‘ {3}.

All payments to Interpol made by these entities must be returned to the Fund of the Constitutional Development (Фонд Конституционного Строительства).

The president and other officials of Interpol are requested to omit relations with persons and organizations unlawfully designated themselves as police forces, government executives or representatives and the like, and to remove such untrue informations from Interpol site.

In case of disregard of my ordinance I will take legal measures against officials of Interpol and its member states for refusal of recognition of my authority, for wilful violation of the rule of law {4} and for involvement in organized crimes {5}.

Dr. Andrej Poleev


  1. Enactment of 23.09.2019 and 1410.2019.

  2. A. Poleev. German disease. Enzymes, 2019.

  3. Enactment of 12.12.2018 cited in letters of 13.12.2018.

  4. Reestablishment of the Nuremberg Tribunal.

  5. Legal meausres following prohibition of political parties.