Curriculum vitae (CV) or resume is simply a brief account of somebody's previous career and profile (usually submitted to companies with an application letter - for a job space).
A director , at a Human Resource Firm as well as Head of Human Resource Department of a top Assurance PLC company revealed that most competent and qualified job seekers (applicants) lose their interview opportunity and in turn, the job , consequent upon their ill- prepared Curriculum Vitae . Remember that invitation for an interview presupposes a standard CV.
First impression count. Your CV is the first chance you have to impress a potential employer. More importantly it is the only part of the job selection process over which you have 100% control. You cannot control who gets interviewed and the interview but you can control how you look on your CV. Therefore, a resume is primarily a tool intended to help your secure interview opportunity . Once your name is on the interview shortlist , your CV has done its perfect job.
C.V for an experienced applicant is however slightly different from that of a fresh graduate in that the former state his experience - problem faced, action taken and result gotten while the letter doesn't because he has no job experience yet. However the both shall be handled or treated simultenously .
Your CV should outline your personal data, objectives, education, skills , inter-personal profile, experience and accomplishments . it highlights your key selling points and indicates how you can solve a potential employer's problem. It reviews your background in details (identifying your primary tasks and responsibilities , the skills you used, the knowledge you acquired and the result you achieved
(For Experienced Applicants)
(1) write your own resume (CV) by yourself . Do not copy someone's CV because you may not be able to defend it. The process of creating a resume will help you prepare for the overall job search process . Completing a document that you have worked hard on and are proud of will significantly boost your confidence about getting a job . It is an important step in the intellectually and emotionally challenging job-search process . Remember , it dose not forbid you seeking feedback from as many other professionals as you would like. But your resume is your resume.
(2) Have a single resume , if possible , to support your job searching efforts. Logistically , it will be much easier for you . if however you determine that you need multiple versions of your resume targeted as specific areas , that's fine ,but bes sure that each version is unique and carefully tailored for its area of focus .
(3) Start by developing a resume in the standard reverse chronological format ( for people who have baged several professional experiences) Otherwise , use the functional format ( for fresh graduates) the latter allows you to promote specific job skills without emphasizing where or when you develop those skills
(4) Keep your resume simple and straight forward : including the following and generally in this suggestive and not prescriptive order
: Your name, Nationality, State of origin, Date of
: Home address, Residence address, E-mail,
Phone no, Sex , Marital status .
(If you are over age , reduce it considerably and
if you are married with kids, don't reveal it
especially when you are sure that it will
obscure your chances).
: Discipline.
: Job objectives.
: Your former education, professional training
and other qualification.
: Working experience (for experienced
: Seminar attended (if there is certificate for it).
: Personal profile and qualities.
: Intersts
: Referees.
(5) provide only enough information to interest the reviewer to invite you for interview.
(6) Limit your resume to two pages for fresh graduates and three pages for experienced applicants.
(7) Don't make it too dense or crowded
(8) Write it in terms of employing organization's
needs and make sure it meets the
requirements set out in the job advertisement .
(9) Avoid the common grammatical mistakes
and spelling errors, which attracts negative
attention. Choose positive words and keep it
impeccably neat and legible.
(10) Don't print on both sides because
companies often photocopy or fax your CV
and this makes it awkward .
(11) Omit any negative aspect of your work
history, education, skills and personal
(12) Be honesty in your resume , present
yourself accurately , but focus on the
positive in your honesty.
(13) Remember that any things you put in your
resume might pose a question or be a topic
for conversation in an interview .
(14) Never date your resume . it makes it look
outdated after time passes
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