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RE: One more day in paradise for FBA!

in #inthewind7 years ago

never know with the mindset of the usa right now.
Im actually kind of supprised he hasent been killed with all the people that said they would do it during the election.
^ months sounds like a long time but it will be here very quick.


Eh, they said that about obummer, too.
Talk is cheap.

Time does fly by and you cant get it back.

Yeah it does.

i love the fact that his argument comes down to the fact that the action has been called "reward pool rape" and because rape is used the whole argument is invallid. no arguments on the actions and what is the outcome from people taking thoes action, boils down that the word rape in the term we use is the problem. lol
The reward pool rape isnt the problem its the usage of rape in the name thats the problem. should have called it something else so people could actually grasp what everyone is talking about.

Yeah, i dont care for the term, either.
It diminishes what real rape victims experience, but arguing with bernie usually isnt profitable.

I just called him out on his abuse channel because what else could i do?
Nobody was his word, or his agents.

lol thats for damn sure.

oh wow bro, i hope it doesnt go bad. The people in power dont like it when you point out their corruption.

dont get your account killed, we need numbers for when something really goes down, taking on a whale alone is pointless as i have proven a couple times.

Yeah, it was just too much, maybe he will let it slide.
I guess i will know tomorrow.

Dont poke the bear, dont poke the bear, let the sleeping dog lie,....