Call me "Putra"

in #intoduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

imageCurug Cibeureum, West Java - Indonesia

I am Maulizar Saputra and was born in Medan on September 2, 1993. Take formal education at SDN 4 Bireuen, SMPN 1 Bireuen, MAS Az-zahrah Bireuen and I got a Bachelor degree in environmental engineering study program at Malahayati University Bandar Lampung-Indonesia on 2017.


Malahayati University, Bandar Lampung - Indonesia

I joined in the organization of nature lovers and the environment. The activities on the organization are part of my hobby, especially Mountaineering and rafting.

Papandayan Mount, West Java - Indonesia

Maulizar Saputra


welcome putrabolang93! Glad to see your here

Thanks brother lopezdacruz. Help me please about steemit, based on your experience during join in steemit

Selamat bergabung @putrabolang93. Semoga survive 👍

Terimakasih brother @rizkyfajar. Mohon bimbingannya 😁

InsyaAllah. Teruslah menulis, menghasilkan konten positif yang nantinya akan menjadi karya berharga yang layak untuk dikenang.
Bravo bro @putrabolang93👍