Some of polish traditional food : Pierogi - Fast dinner when you're hungry and in hurry.

in #intoduceyourself7 years ago (edited)


What Do I need?

2 glasses of flour (250 ml glasses)
1 egg
3/4 glass of water
1 spoon of batter
1 spoon of soil
(for 20-30 of them)
a roller
a pot

What do I do

  • Pull a flour on a table, form it into a cake. Make a circle inside it, add 1 spoon of batter, soil and an egg yolk.
  • Add a water as long as all componets will fill together.
  • Make a cake of it.

A cake should look like this :
ciasto na pierogi.jpg

  • Take a roller and roll a cake like this :
    rozwałkowane ciasto.jpg
  • Turn around an empty glass and pull it into a cake, make a cirles :
  • Honestly You can put what ever you like inside the small circles : cheese, stawberies, meat, potateos, mushrooms, or follow your own fantasy there. Its your own filling that you will add inside. Just have on mind to not add too much of your feeling into 1 circle, because you have to close it. 1 spoon of your own feeling will be perfect.
    farsz 2.jpg
  • Close those small circles it should look like this :
    pierogi 3.jpg
  • If you want you can use a fork on them So they will look like on a picture above. (Not a necessary)
    You could also use a pan on a friend helping you, who don't do it correctly. You won't need him anymore ;S
  • When you're ready with them, you put them to the boiling water for like 3-4 minutes. Put a 1 spoon of soil to the boiling water so they dont fail in love and hug with each other.
  • Eat them with enjoyment :) Yumi Yumi

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interesting dumplings

I am glad you like it :)