Hello @emilyra333! This is @traciyork from the @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) curation team. We noticed you shared your first post here on Hive and introduced yourself to the community - congratulations and welcome!
I was going to ask how you found Hive, but first I did a bit of peeking at your website, found your FB profile link, and discovered we have a zippy friend in common (though it's been ages since I've chatted with her), so I think I answered my own question. 😂
As for communities we have many different ones here on the blockchain, devoted to all kinds of interests. Here's a link so you can check them all out - Hive Communities. I noticed you've already subbed to a bunch of awesome ones, but you might also want to check out -
Scholar and Scribe - supportive & friendly writing community
Natural Medicine - closest thing to an active witchy community that we have at the moment, but there is also a Pagan community where you might find a bit of witchiness still lurking about.
Also, as Hive can sometimes be quite confusing, the newly launched Newbies Guide should be helpful to you, as it is a growing repository of useful and easy to understand posts about how the Hive ecosystem works. For instance, there's a post in the collection called 3 things Newbies should do in their first week on Hive that you might find helpful.
Please be aware that Hive is a bit different from other social media platforms since you are monetizing your blog, so it is important not to include content that you don't own without sources (and it shouldn't exceed 50% of the post). For more information, check this post - Why and How People Abuse and Plagiarise by hivewatchers.
If you have questions, feel free to hop into the OCD Discord server and we'll do our best to answer them, and again welcome to Hive!
Thanks so much for the orientation, @traciyork . It's a whole new world to explore here and I'm stoked. I followed your suggested communities and am spending some time surfing through. I feel like a kid in the 90's again lol.
You're very welcome, and I hear ya - I'm almost six years in here, and my brain still hurts on the regular. 😂
That being said, please feel free to shout out any time if you have questions. 😊