The Barn Door is Open!

in #intro8 years ago

It's hard to decide where to start. It really is. Let's begin here........

I live in my best friends shed. There's many events that led to this. But this is where we are at.

It's me, my kids, my fiance, and our dog. Never think rock bottom can't hit any harder. Because it will.

What really matters is that we go up from here.

I will be returning to college come fall. We are considering a go fund me to help buy the property next store. We want to raise a barn and a small house and stay living next to my best friend. My sister. Without that woman.... I'd be lost.

Now. Don't think this will be a sap blog. Yup, there will be emotional times. But I want to share our journey.

I'm a mom. I swear. I make a fool of myself. I have a tattoo and piercings. I'm not sancti nor crunchy.

I'm probably gunna piss some of you off. I'm probably gunna make ya cheer or cry or many other emotions.

But I AM ME!

Join me on this crazy ride. The barn door is open :)