Introduction my name Balqis Delta Adila | @balqishive

in #introducation4 years ago


Halo teman-teman apa kabar semuanya Perkenalkan nama saya Balqis Delta Adila, saya berusia 19 tahun, saya berasal dari Indonesia, dan saat ini tinggal di Indonesia. Hobi saya menerima. dan hari ini saya ingin bergabung dengan HIVE.BLOG saya ingin tahu cara bermain yang benar disini. Saya harap teman-teman semua mau belajar tentang saya di situs HIVEBLOG ini

Hello friends how are you all Introducing my name is Balqis Delta Adila, I am 19 years old, I come from Indonesia, and currently live in Indonesia. My hobby is receiving. and today I want to join HIVE.BLOG I want to know how to play correctly here. I hope all my friends want to learn about me on this HIVEBLOG site


Saya pernah juara menari loh temen temen di sekolah, Tapi juara 2 pun saya bangga banget dengan diri saya sendiri, semua bangga sampe mama bilang gak papa bukan juara 1 yang penting kamu udah berusaha itu ucap mama saya, mama saya pun bangga sama aku❤️😚

I used to be a dance champion, my friends at school, but even in the second place I was very proud of myself, everyone was proud until mama said no, it's not papa, it's not first place, the important thing is that you tried, my mother said, my mother was proud of me❤️😚


And on this occasion I really want to learn on this HIVE.BLOG site, please help me further, all my friends, One day if I succeed here I want to help my brothers and sisters for me to teach on this HIVE site.

Dan pada kesempatan kali ini saya sangat ingin belajar di situs HIVE.BLOG ini, tolong bantu saya lebih lanjut ya teman-teman semua, Suatu saat nanti jika saya berhasil disini saya ingin membantu saudara-saudara saya untuk saya mengajar di situs HIVE ini.


#hive #introduce #myself


I wish you good luck blogging and I Will See you around🍀
Your value and input is appreciated and if you have questions let me know.

Greetings from Brittandjosie from the Netherlands

Theterminal discord invite We (@jamerussell and I ) are presenting New comers in Our @Heyhaveyamet blogs almost every day , and There is a Discord called The Terminal for newbies and All answers to your questions, join in, I am on Hive everyday ! You can always leave a comment.

Good luck to you as the new arrival, may hive become your new life !