Hello all future possible virtual friends!
My name is Levi Thornton, and I am in a 22 year old human body in this current Earth Space-Time. I am interested in connecting with other free thinking, conscious, sustainable living individuals and communities. I live and grew up in the US and recently moved from rural West Virginia to southern Oregon to be in a region that was more conducive to my lifestyle. My background is in mechanical engineering, however I didn't complete my degree because the curriculum did not match up with my vision. Since leaving school I traveled the US for 6 months while living in my van before settling in Oregon. I have applied my engineering background to build a small scale solar generator for my van and will be installing the panel on my roof soon. I am saving up for a permaculture design course as well as the supplies to grow my own bismuth crystals. I own and operate a metaphysical business selling sacred geometry artwork that I draft as well as crystals and gemstones of various types.
Can anyone point me to some like minded individuals, posts on steemit, or related organizations? Is anyone else interested in permaculture, crystal energy, renewable energy, sustainability, sacred geometry, or any other related topic?
A sample of my artwork:
Welcome! If you are interested in internships or apprenticeships in the sustainable agriculture community check out the ATTRA website. They have listings from farms all over the country looking for people like you.
Be yourself, write and have a lot of fun and there rest will be easy! Cheers!Welcome @crystalgeometry to Steemit !
Thanks for the welcoming! I'm excited to write and have fun in a place that rewards everyone. I'm still in the process of understanding the formatting :)