Welcome @tristanchase on Steemit! I'm also a bit of a gamer myself and spends big chunk of time gaming, per se lol. I see you have 50% of your time devoted to gaming! I have to say I have not played League of Legends so I can't really comment whether I enjoy the game or not, but I like interactive gaming...and with Detroit Become Human just newly released on May 25 that I have been playing it like crazy lol. Have you heard of this game before? Anyways welcome welcome, and upvote your post to support. Come check out mine when you have time, stay connected~
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Thank you for the welcome! But yeah, gaming has definitely always been a large portion of my time. I have heard of Detroit Become Human, but ever since I built my PC I've barely touched my PS4. It definitely looks interesting though. I will check some out now!
@tristanchase ahhh I see, PC gamer! My computer is not powerful enough for gaming, so needed PS4 console specifically for gaming instead. Ha, how do you like gaming on the PC?
Overall I enjoy it much more than I did the PS4, mainly because there's a sort of next level to competitiveness I suppose, haha. I've mostly played online games for the sake of competition, so there's a much higher skill ceiling that makes it way more fun imo!
@tristanchase competitive gamer lol! I don't think i can compete because i'd freak out too quickly. Come check out my feed as well I've just finished a round of Detroit Become Human PS4, gonna have to go back and re-play to see different outcomes but it's a pretty awesome game :)