Hello everyone, Hive community, Hello and welcome to my first post. I want to thank my mentor and boss @empato365 for being supportive and for introducing me to this fantastic site.
I am new to things like this, but I am certain that this is a fantastic chance for me to learn new skills, display my creativity, and meet and connect with incredible individuals in the hive community.
My Name is Asian Emmanuel I recently graduated from secondary school. while in secondary I was in the science department, science department wasn't an easy department to go by, but through consistency, hard work, and devotion, I was able to make it through. I am currently waiting to be admitted into the University of Lagos where I will be studying Electrical and Electronic Engineering.
I am an electrical and rewinding engineer, I started learning electrical and rewinding technology in 2020 during the covid 19 lockdown, and since then I have improved my knowledge about electrical and rewinding technology and I hope to further my studies as an electrical engineer at the University. I am the favorite among my colleagues and hardworking too, my boss seem to have this special liking for me and he will take me out to the site where he is often called to work and teach me some things. ln addition, I am also very skilled at baking. I got these skills while in secondary school. While in Secondary school, I was made the food laboratory prefect. I was in charge of supervising activities within the laboratory. While serving as a laboratory prefect in the school, I have had the privilege of supervising various baking projects. which drew my interest in the baking feed. I decided to enroll in a baking course ( both online and offline). I attended my offline training during the summer break and resume my online training while school is in session. My favorite snack is a scotch egg. To make a scotch egg you must get these ingredients ready :
- Eggs
- Sausage Meat
- Vegetable Oil for Deep Frying
- Plain Flour
- Bread Crumbs
- Teaspoon Dried Thyme
- Teaspoon Rosemary
- Teaspoon Black Pepper
- Teaspoon Cayenne Pepper
- Teaspoon Nutmeg
- Spring Onion
- Knorr Chicken.
Here is how to make scotch egg👇👇
- Boil some eggs, peel once done, and set aside. On a plate, mix sausage meat, thyme, rosemary, nutmeg, black pepper, cayenne pepper, and knorr chicken, and add some finely chopped spring onions.
- Break an egg into another plate; add the flour and breadcrumbs to two other plates.
- Take one of the boiled eggs and coat it with flour. Roll out the sausage meat mix on a flat surface and wrap it around the egg before covering it in flour.
- Dip into the egg mixture and add some bread crumbs. Repeat this process with the rest of the boiled eggs.
- Heat some oil over medium heat in a pan and fry the scotch eggs until they turn golden brown. Holla your snack is ready to be served.
When I was still in secondary school I was engaged in sports activities like the ayo olopon, ayo olopon is a Nigerian Game that involves two players, Ayo Olopon board consists of two wooden carved boards with holes on each side of the board and forty-eight seeds (called “ayo seeds”), with four seeds in each hole for a start. The goal of this game is to win all your opponent’s seeds. The winner is the person that has the most seeds.
The first day I saw it I was amazed at how they played it and began to grow interested in it, I then met my mentor because he was a professional on it, I told him I would love to learn the game, and he agreed to teach me and he taught me very well to the extent I became a master in it and I was taken to other schools for competition. After school time I will go to my mentor for training to be perfect and become a professional in it.
One activity I love the most is nurturing either a plant or an animal to grow. I became attracted to animals right from childhood, this was a result of being born and brought up in an environment where the raring of animals and farming is prevalent. I could remember that I got my very first portion of the farm when I was 8 years old. The first crops I planted were water leave, ewedu, and our. One moral lesson I have learned as a farmer is the ability to be patient. Farming has taught me the benefit of being patient which will be a very useful virtue as I grow up. I grew up rearing animals because my parents rear animals like goats, hens, and dogs.
I hope that my interest in ayo olopon, electrical and rewinding electrical, and farming will help me become a better electrical engineer as farming helps you build patient while ayo olopon game helps you build your critical thinking. I'm looking forward to meeting a lot of people who share my interest in electrical engineering and farming in this community and developing mutually beneficial relationships with them in our community area of interest.
@appreciator @ocdb @ecency @travalgar @samostically
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