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RE: Why I left Hollywood...

in #introduce7 years ago

Welcome! First off, my sincerest condolences for your loss, from the botom of my heart.

You said

I want to know why the same event happening to two separate individuals can produce drastically different results.

That's a question I have always asked as well - still no answer.

I look forward to reading more of your posts.

All the best.


Thank you, I appreciate that. Everything, everything in this life is perspective. Two brothers both grew up with an alcoholic and abusive father, who eventually took the life of a convenient store clerk. That man is now serving a life sentence in prison. The boys had been only 11 months apart in age, one grew up to be "just like dad": an addict, thief and serving time in prison, while the other lived a completely different and well adjusted life: married, raising 3 kids and stable job. When the boys were asked the question "Why has your life turned out this way", surprisingly, they both gave the exact same answer. "What else could I have become, having grown up with a father like that?" THAT. IS. POWERFUL.

That is powerful.

Perspective comes from where though - I don't think it can be taught, or maybe it can. I don't know. Drive and motivation and values can come from the same family but not everyone takes the same road. Like the story you shared.

I will definitely keep in touch looking forward to what you find in your search.

I am an amateur photographer and I occasionally write blogs here and there, or a short story. People seem to get something from them so I'm glad for that.

See you soon!