Hello All!
I wanted to introduce myself and say Hello! This is my first post here, and I figured Id go ahead and make a statement! I am a photographer, mother, passionate plant lover and alchemist. A newly realized Green Witch and Empath who loves reading tarot cards and seeking truth. I love growing plants and flowers and herbs, farming, animals and my family. I Love learning and creating and enjoying and sharing the beauty of this life with others. Im here to contribute to the healing and up-liftment of this place we call Earth, in any and all ways I possibly can. Leaving a legacy of Real Love and True Abundance of Health and Prosperity to all those that will come after.
For starters... here are some of my thoughts on Cannabis.
Nice to meet you! Thanks for being here!
Ahhhh.... Cannabis.
I must confess and come out of the closet fully, if you will... because my love for this amazing plant has inspired me, chosen me, to share her message. Cannabis. Ganja. Dank. High Grade. Chronic.... Sweet Leaf! Whatever name you call it, Her truth and all that she has revealed to me, has been amazing!! Her infinite potential to heal humanity and reconnect us to ourselves and our earthly environment. She is Completely Healing on sooooo many levels. She is wonderful and brilliant. Kind and gentle. She is powerful and can open doors to higher consciousness and intuitive knowingness. I am letting go of the fear of judgment, shame or guilt of being associated with this magical plant. I am choosing to follow my heart. My love for life in all forms, grateful that something so simple, so natural, so perfectly designed by creation, is given freely to us, to serve us in so many ways. And its time for us to remember why this plant was honored and revered for so many thousands of years throughout our history. And be Grateful! I am beyond amazed at the overwhelming benefits provided by Cannabis. With new discoveries everyday!
So begins the first steps of my journey, sharing my experience, on behalf all that can benefit and of the healing that will follow.
She is here to heal the world.
And from this newly realized Green Witch and Empath, my connection and journey with Lady Cannabis, has been absolutely mind, body and spirit opening, on so many levels. I HAVE to begin sharing my experiences and the Truth, from my own experience of having the pleasure to learn, grow and heal, with this amazing plant lady, for the last 10 years.
This is my very first auto flower cannabis plant.
When I first began growing, I experimented growing all sorts of strains and variety of plants! Organically grown in my private medical grow room back in 2009!
I was amazed how much I enjoyed the fresh, sweet smell of ripe blossoms!!
This handsome man right here, (aka, my man, aka Dr. GreenThumb!) is enjoying the wonderful and unique, intoxicating fragrance of sweet Mary Jane!
Sweet, gentle, yet powerful and fierce, and what I believe, to be the MOST healing, beneficial and useful plant on Earth.
If your still against Cannabis, I highly encourage you to do your own research!! There is sooo much information out there now, and the only thing you will find is BENEFITS!! I challenge you to find real evidence of anything negative about this plant. Except from those that want to keep it outlawed or controlled. And then you have to ask yourself, Why?! Seriously!! Do your research!!!!! You will begin to see the infinite benefits it is having for people, pets, nature and the world.
The spirit of Cannabis is calling to us. I believe it to be a gift!! Here, from the Mother herself, THE EARTH! To assist in healing and connecting us back to our true selves. To our own spirit and connection to this life. And you don't have to be a smoker or medical patient, to appreciate how beneficial this plant is. Smoking cannabis, is only one of the infinite benefits. If its for you! I have learned more than I ever expected to, from this amazing and beautiful plant. My mind is often blown, at the powerful teacher and immense healer this plant actually is. It has taught me how to see the world abundantly. To see how we can all thrive and live authentically. True to ourselves. To create and share. To use our intelligence to overcome our suffering. So many of us are not content or satisfied with something in our lives. And we just settle. We give up. Way to many are dying far beyond their time, and worse, suffering miserably, with no quality of life for years and years.... simply because.... Why exactly? Why is it, something completely natural and non toxic, that helps people feel so much better, is outlawed? We cannot dismiss our connection to nature. That we are nature. And cannabis is one of the most healing plants to our bodies that exists here on Earth. Google it. Seriously. The research coming out about cannabinoids and THC, are absolutely mind blowing!! We have been brainwashed to believe lies. They have drilled into our brains, over and over, that "Marijuana" is a horrible gateway drug. The Evil Weed. Reefer Madness. Just Say No to Drugs. This is your brain on drugs. Weed with roots in Hell! Talk about a fear campaign, and then throw some shame and guilt, on top of it too!
So I steered clear of Cannabis for the most part growing up. I didn't actually really begin smoking regularly until I was 30. The campaign worked. I was a recreational smoker, and enjoyed it once in a while with friends. But ya know, I had to have a good job and be a responsible adult. So smoking weed just wasn't apart of that path. But, I knew then from my own experiences, that it was harmless and natural. I mean it grew straight from the earth. Its been used for 1000s of years all over the world to assist in healing. No-one has ever died, overdosed or had a negative, life-threatening reaction, to cannabis. I never believed it made you bad or criminal. But for so long, I believed the mainstream. I believed the lies they filled us with. I was ignorant, blissfully. I drank alcohol, ate junky foods and watched way too much TV. But then I began to notice sickness all around me. Mental, Emotional, Physical. So many taking pills for all sorts of ailments, like its normal thing. So many drinking and eating too much fake food. Including myself. I wasn't feeling good. I was questioning what I was feeding my babies, that mainstream was telling me to. I didn't feel good injecting my babies with chemical vaccines. Witnessing the awful side effects. I remember my daughter sleeping for days after her vaccinations, and it seemed she had them every doctors visit. I began to witness my friends babies develop autism and severe emotional challenges. It made me begin to question why we, as humanity, do things this way. Is this really benefiting us? Shouldn't we be doing things more in alignment with nature, since that is what we are?
Then, around 2008, I was introduced to medical marijuana. My boyfriend at the time, was a medical smoker and used cannabis to relieve pain in his back, due to injuries and surgery. He didn't want to take all of the pharma pills. I was in mild depression due to grief and loss (my mom and younger brother both passed unexpectedly) and being a newly divorced mother of 2 at the same time. Not to mention work and family related stress. But, during this time, I also met a woman, who became a very dear friend, that introduced me to the world of growing cannabis! And to the amazing Cannabis Culture. Something within me deeply resonated with Cannabis and I was head over heals in Love!! The amazing healing qualities of this plant drew me in like a magnet. I began researching and learning everything I could. And my friend taught me everything she knew about growing. She grew organically in beautiful soil, used crystals around her plants, and gave them purified water. She loved them and talked about them with such an affinity and connection to life, I was strangely pulled beyond what my ego was telling me, and I fell in love with Cannabis. She loved it too and loved growing it for healing and loved the up-liftment that came with it. She had suffered with asthma and rheumatoid arthritis, and some other ailments. Cannabis was the only thing that brought her relief and healing naturally and gave her an appetite. She was a caregiver for a friend also, who suffered with a painful, terminal brain tumor, and it was the only thing that took his pain away. During this time, I was able to meet other people and hear so many testimonies of healing, people who were so grateful to cannabis. Grateful to have something so natural and non toxic, to relieve their pain, their depression, their suffering. Even cure their cancer. Something they could grow themselves. Its extremely empowering. I have witnessed a man having a seizure, given a THC tincture, and his seizures stopping immediately. To experience someone so thankful for the relief of pain. Naturally and safe to the body. What is wrong with that?
I think to myself, Who has the right tell anyone, that they can't use what works for them. Especially when its made completely ready to use by mother nature herself. Why do people have seizers and illness to begin with? These are the questions I ask myself. And as I follow the path to the Truth, my eyes continue to be opened wider and wider, to the lies that are have been told for too long and spread like a virus, to humanity. If we can grow our own medicine for free, medicine that produces real and beneficial results, who would want us to be kept from knowing that? To me the solution is to share the Truth as I know it. To share the Love and healing powers of this amazing plant, so that we move toward healing for all.
This is the very first Cannabis plant seedling I ever grew!! I began with Super Lemon Haze, and I have to say, she is still my all time fav! Pure gratitude for the amazingness that is Cannabis!
I have always had an affinity for cannabis. A wanting to know more. At first, a desire to satisfy my rebel side, to connect to my wild and natural roots, to stand up for freedom and sovereignty. But it has given me so much more. I also have a deep affinity for plants, the earth and the beautiful creation of life. The living life force, the energy of our environment. I began to ask myself questions... why is a plant that is so healing, that actually helps so many people, animals and nature herself, be outlawed? Hmmmm... Why is it okay to give people chemicals and drugs that are proven to kill thousands every year? Why do so many people I know have sickness and illnesses that are destroys their quality of life? Why do so many people I know have cancer? I am only 38, and have witnessed several people I was in high school with, leave to soon due to cancer! Drug addictions to oxy codine and pills. And what the heck is in our food? Why are we eating so many chemicals and preservatives and who knows what? and nobody asks, Is this okay for my body? Could this be having an impact on my health? How many of us are stressed everyday, all day? The number one reason people die... STRESS! Hello! Seriously?!! And death isn't the worst thing that can happen. Its the suffering and misery for years and years thats scary to me! Why are we accepting this as normal? Why is this okay? If we are the humans here, creating the world we live in, then why don't we create a world worth living in? Why would the government, the powers that be, not embrace the fact, the evidence, of how powerfully healing the Cannabis plant is? And why do we need the permission of a government authority, to use a plant that grows freely here on Earth. That is actually created by intelligent design, created to work perfectly with our bodies chemistry. They say no to something natural, and yes to chemicals made in a lab by people, that are actually known and proven to kill and cause severe side effects to thousands of people every year. Eat and inject yourself with chemicals, heavy metals, fluoride, aluminum and on and on, but DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT touch the Evil Cannabis plant!!!! How many people die and suffer due to chemicals and pills? How many die and suffer due to cannabis and other plants? Um, excuse me? Does it feel like they want us to be sick and miserable instead of healthy and happy? That doesn't sound like a source of Life to me. Therefore, why am I following blindly to them? For me, its all about empowerment and knowing that nature already provides everything we need to thrive. Not just survive. Every single pharmaceutical on the shelf, was originally derived from a plant anyway. Understanding and learning the power of plants and our own environment is not some hippy dippy thing. We are humans. Earth is our natural environment. When we begin to listen to the Earth, we begin to reconnect to our own internal guidance system. Its actual science for those that need to google it! And that's just a small fraction of the benefits of course!.. cannabis/hemp can be used to replace plastics, create fibers and building materials, restore the soil and air. And on and on.....
These pictures are from my very first medical grow in 2009. I never imagined how much my life would change from growing. I am so grateful I followed my intuition, my heart. Cannabis Heals. It is a sacred plant, and its time for her to be honored and celebrated. And its time for people everywhere to know they too, can grow their own medicine, for free, to heal. Its about empowerment. Its about your power to choose what is right for you. In my humble opinion.... Chemicals Kill. Cannabis Heals. I want to see the world Healed. So I celebrate this amazing plant and all the Healing she offers!
This was my first experiment on an auto flower from some seeds someone gave me. I thought it was pretty cute! These would be fun houseplants!
Rookie trimmer back in the day!
The Spirit of Cannabis just connects to your soul. There is nothing like inhaling the sweet ganja you grew organically, with love and nurturing, and countless hours tending to her and admiring her as she grew. This medicine will heal you like no other. You cannot make this in a lab. This is deeper than that. Its infused with an energy that can only come by growing it yourself.
As far as as the getting high part... from my experience, trusting your intuitive voice when it comes to anything you put in your body, is the most important thing. Yes, THC, will alter your consciousness. But truly, doesn't everything alter our consciousness? Here are just a few things/thoughts I have learned and realized using Cannabis...
Cannabis may do these thing to you..... As this is what is has done for me. Just the tip of the iceberg here too!
You may actually be empowered and realize your body is self healing and that you are sovereign. You might actually realize that you do not need an authority to tell you how to live your life, what to do, what to eat, how to heal, what to say, what to wear, how to talk, what to like or not like. You can actually begin to think for yourself and live the life you came here to live. You may begin to listen to your inner voice and inner guidance and actually follow where it leads you. You may experience a deeper connection to yourself and to life around you. You may begin to question anything that does not serve you or offer you any benefit. You may begin to realize how amazing your life actually is, and won't want to tolerate anything that feeds your misery. You may actually want to be happy and feel good again. You may want to relax and feel peace and eat some real food. You may want to experiencing laughing and sleeping and conversations about outer space. You may begin to actually Love yourself and Life again. You may begin to understand your own body. Your own mind. Your own spirit. You may begin to realize Nature provides everything we need to thrive. And she does it better when we co-create with her. Not against her.
Nature is a wonderful gateway to connecting to yourself. To yourself beyond you. To all of life and its mystery. Its not something you can read about and think you know. Its something you must experience for yourself. So you can know from your own unique connection and experience, what there is to learn. To receive. To understand. Plants are an amazing way to connect to Nature, because of their unique energy signature. Each one offering assistance for different ailments. And our bodies are designed to work with plant energies and signatures. Our bodies have build in receptors for it. I have asked myself many times, "Why do we have cannabinoid receptors? We actually require them for our bodies to function optimally. ???"
I love that we are in a time that we can truly embrace Cannabis. There is so much we are learning everyday, and I love it!! I want to keep learning and growing and celebrating the love, beauty and healing that it brings.
I have so much wisdom and love to share about Cannabis! I began to share a few years ago, but got a bit scared and stopped. No more Fear! My heart has never stopped listening to the sweet call of Cannabis! And the Earth. I love growing plants and herbs of all kinds. And my love only grows! I am excited and so grateful to embrace and share my love with everyone that enjoys learning and growing like I do. The healing of so many is the best reason of all.
I am currently seeking out photography projects, collaborations, sessions, etc., that involve Cannabis. I am interested in the organic farming, the people, the energy that goes into growing and nurturing this beautiful healing plant. The storytelling. I am interested in how Cannabis benefits life and how it inspires us to embrace ourselves, spirit, mind and body. If you are interested in working with me or sharing ideas for a project, please click on Contact Me, and send me a message! Id love to tell your story!
Here are a few pictures of me and past gardens! Thank you for reading!! See you soon!
I always feel so goooooood in my garden!
The purest, most healing plant medicine on Earth.
Its All about the Love.
Lots of Love!
Crystal Lynn
Read it here on my website! https://www.crystallynn.love/single-post/2017/11/30/Lets-Talk-CANNABIS
Follow me on FB: https://www.facebook.com/CrystalLynn.Love/
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I'll pop in and comment as 'me' (@carrieallen) too. 😍
Thank you!! Love being here and so happy to connect! Im still new and learning, but I'll get there! Ill make sure to connect and follow, thanks again!
Sorry so long between replies. The holidays had me away from the interwebs and travelling. But I'm back!
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Great!! Thank you! and no worries at all! Im excited to learn and connect!! 🤗😍😘
Hello!! :)