I had no idea of what to expect from the Steemit community and the feedback has already been fantastic! Thank you all so very much!!!!!
Please also follow me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/gregory.mannarino
twitter @GregMannarino
As a gift to you please download my 100% FREE brief titled "The One Rule You Must Never Break When Trading Stocks." (it really is free). Click/copy paste this link: http://www.lulu.com/shop/gregory-mannarino/the-one-rule-you-must-never-break-when-trading-stocks/ebook/product-23095047.html
Welcome to Steemit. Stephen
Thank you Stephen! Glad to be here.
This is going to be a game changer. FB and YT, go bleep yourselves!!
I feel the same way!
We expect a great analysis of markets including cryptos here on your blog, Greg.
I will do my best! Promise.
Yes Crypto's have been killing it I can't lie. I had to take half my trading money and throw down on ETH, BTC and Zclassic. Thank god i did!
Great to have you here. If 10% of your Youtube subscribers sign up it will make a big difference. They may just have to wait a short while to be manually validated. I think Steemit is the future of social media. What's not to like?
I agree. I think Steemit rocks!!
Hi Greg,
Thank you for the info on the Steemit opportunity!
Thank you for being here!
Welcome a bit late also from me @marketreport - good to have another financial celeb on Steemit. Greetings from Germany.
I am just Greg. Glad to be here!
Glad to hear Greg - I am Uwe
Like I said on your video earlier welcome. Just another reason to login in great to see you Greg and yes i always remember to pay it forward. From your Options picks.. Oh ya this is Adam Anderson lol
Paying it forward is so important. Thank you.
Thank you for sharing this platform with your youtube followers
Thanks Greg!
Thank you my friend.
Wow Gregory. Very generous! Thanks a lot.
Interesting. Thank you.
Awesome! ...& thanks for verifying Greg:)
Nice to see you here Greg! How about some crypto suggestions? Would be nice to see some cryptocurrency calls from you!
I think virtually ANY move away from a fiat currency, like the US Dollar, is a great move. These are debt based instruments being disbursed by bankrupt governments...
Couldn't of worded it more accurately ^^.
The value of Bitcoin v Fiat is evidenced by what the free market price is.
Gold & Silver prices surpressed artificially by the JPM traders, among others.
You are 100% correct.
It's a good idea Greg to do it , I subscribed to it since last year , I hope it'll get high in near future
I like this!!
Welcome to the future. Totally agree with you on the central banks... Taken us for fools too long.
Looking forward to your insights on crypto currency. Keep up the good work!
Thank you!
Gregory, I've been checking your YouTube channel for a good while, so welcome. I'll link to your vids via Steemit from now on. Crypto bypasses and inherently counters censorship, so this sort of network is the future. No doubt about it!
I love it! " No doubt about it." I know I say that a lot. Thank you for the welcome, I am glad to be here.
Hi greg i saw your youtube today on steemit and here to say hi and thanks to you :) I allways enjoy your youtubes ! Have a great day from a steemit newbie :)
Hi back! Glad to be here.
welcome to steemit:) follow you!
Hello greg ! Been a follower of your YouTube channel and now here . Thanks to you I found out about steemit , great stuff ! And thanks for your daily market commentary , invaluable !!! All the best. Andi
I learned about steemit from your youtube channel. Thank You