I'm looking forward to being apart of this community, and contributing in some way. I have chosen the name "sharingfarming" because that is what I do and that is what I have to share with the community. Well, I have much more. Like the spiritual side of farming and growing things. I have grown tremendously in the last 10 years farming. I havn't made much money doing it, but by Gods grace, I have been able to more than survive.
I would like to show you some pictures of me growing up and for those who follow and would like to get to know me better, I will show you the progress that I've made personally through the years. I have told people my story, and they say I should write a book. I don't know if its that I'm too lazy to write down my life's history, or if its just too painful. But, I will share progressively about my life and maybe you will get something from it. Whether it is from growing your own food, or growing spiritually.
Growing up on a farm, I got to drive tractors and lots of fun stuff.
I always loved dogs. This was Sandy and her puppies.
Young and happy!
Building a green house
I love the analogy of planting a seed and watching it grow. We all started from a seed, and we have all grown. There may have been times of drought and depression, and times of harvest and great joy. There may have been winds and storms; there may have been weeds in your life that you had to pull, and the pain of weeding; or maybe you have weeds in your garden(life) now, that needs pulling. Regardless, all of us have the negatives that we have to deal with...but when we over come it makes us stronger.
One day, I went for a walk through the park - while dealing with some very difficult circumstances in my life. During this time, I noticed trees. I really think God was showing me from nature what was happening to me. Every day I would walk out of my house and see a tree that had been blown over by a storm of some kind. But no one cut it down...it kept growing. And it curved upward with a bend in it. The kids in the neighbor hood use to sit in the tree like a chair. It was very unique...It was the storm that shaped it, and the sun that pulled it back up towards the sky. That tree would not even be noticeable if it had not gone through some kind of a storm. And the trees in the park.... The ones that had been hit with lightning, hundreds of years ago and gone through untold winds and storms, they kept growing; they had a charater that no other tree in that old park had....the ones that were all straight and proper were young and sheltered - they hadn't been through life's storms; these were barely distinguishable from their neighbors...all blending in. But the ones to look at were the ones that over came.