The 10 BIGGEST acquisitions in technology

in #introduce7 years ago

Today I presentate you the biggest acquisitions of the technology industry. There are many Companies which today are unknown but before there would buyed they were really famous. I wish you fun to read the article!!

1. AOL acquires Time Warner

We start with the greatest one. The biggest purchase come from AOL. For more as 100 Milliarden US-Dollar in stocks bought AOL the media giant Time Warner at the year 2000. The acquisition was a big mistake. The reason was the missing synergy effects. 2009 was Time Warner out divided and 2015 sold for 4.4 Milliarden to the US-telecommunication company Verizon.

2. DELL and EMC

The second one is the expensivest acquires where both of companies are located in the technology sector. DELL bought 2016 EMC. The purchase money lay 67 Milliarden US-Dollar in stocks and money.

3. Qualcomm and NXP

2016 bought Qualcomm the business rivals NXP for 47 Milliarden US-Dollar. That is the biggest deal in the semiconductor segment. The deal was long time not save because the EU cometition watchdogs have to look over there. But at the end the watchdogs agreed the deal.

4. Softbank und ARM

At the same year bought the japanese media and telecommunication company Softbank the Chip designer ARM for 32.2 Milliarden US-Dollar. The Pfound lost on worth opposite the yen. Without the Brexit would be the deal very expensive.

5. Microsoft und LinkedIn

The fourth acquerie in the year 2016 was from Microsoft. Microsoft acqueries LinkedIn for 26.2 Milliarden US-Dollar. LinkedIn is a career network. Microsoft payed per Stock 196 US-Dollar. That is twice at much what it was worth. LinkedIn can be happy because Microsoft-boss Satya Nadella promise that it can work continue independent.

6. Facebook acquires WhatsApp

The acquisition from facebook over Whatsapp was a lot of days the topic number one. The social network should sold for 19 Milliarden US-Dollar but the last right price was probably 22 Milliarden US-Dollar. Blame was the increase of stocks from WhatsApp.

7. HP und Compaq

2001 bought HP the PC-Manufactur. The first estimate was 25 Milliarden US-Dollar. But probably was the price at 19 Milliarden US-Dollar. Blame was the fallling stocks. The deal was approved unanimously by both companies' boards of directors. Compaq shareholders received 0.6325 of newly issued HP shares for each share of Compaq. HP shareholders own 64 percent and Compaq shareholders own 36 percent of the combined company.

8. Intel und Mobileye

The last year bought Intel the israeli company for 15.3 Milliarden US-Dollar. Mobileye shall make possible the market for autonomous driving.

9. HP und EDS

How at change the time: 2008 HP acqueries EDS for 14 Milliarden US-Dollar. 2015 HP split in two companies. One for Consumer and the other for Enterprise Products. The Consumer segments constituent as a great part from EDS and was accepted from CSC 2016 for 8.5 Milliarden US-Dollar. The Company from that resulting has now the name DXC Technology.

10. Symantec und Veritas

The last acquisition was from Symantec in the year 2004. There bought Symantec the US Storage Company Veritas for 13.4 Milliarden US-Dollar. More over ten years later was sold Veritas to an investors group for about 7.4 Milliarden US-Dollar.

That was the 10 greatest acquisitions on the world. I hope I forgott no one. I would be glad if you leave me an feedback. See you then. Bye!!