Who Am I?

in #introduce8 years ago (edited)

The proverbial question I have been pondering from my earliest of memories. I remember sitting alone in my playpen on a sunny afternoon in the back yard.....alone. Alone and wondering.....what is this place I find myself in? Who is this looking out through these eyes? I remember realizing, in one of those sudden light bulb moments, that....wait a minute, all of this was already here, before I got here. What is out there? I have so much to learn about this place and who I am within it. Of course I didn't verbalize it at the time because I wasn't talking yet. All those thoughts were formed in my mind that I get to translate into words now. Listen...do not underestimate the thoughts of infants and toddlers. They do not come in blank. They still remember where they came from.

So here I am, introducing myself on Steemit, and happy to be here, by the way. Over the years I have come to find out that I am someone who loves all life with a passion. Because of that I am one who has studied the ills of the world as well as of the mind and body. I understood that in order to heal anything, the root cause must be understood. I want so desperately to help heal, well, everything.

Another aspect of this person being introduced here is this. I have always wanted to play drums. I got to dabble just a little bit here and there through the years, but never had the situation surrounding me for that pursuit. So my twilight years are my highlight years as I get to spend time practicing my chosen instrument that I loved so much since I saw my first live band at the age of 13, over 55 years ago. It is never too late!

Another aspect: I love the beach and just got back from there! WIN_20170810_19_35_24_Pro.jpgI was a competitive swimmer and loved to do acrobatics. Now I do yoga and am a bit of a health nut, but never too staunch to bend a bit. There is a saying, the branch that doesn't bend, breaks. There are some things I will not compromise but I feel flexibility is good thing for longevity, in body and mind, as long as the personal integrity remains intact.

I am one who values freedom through love above all else. I embrace cryptos and learning more and more about them. I walk any road to freedom as long as it is voluntary and hurts no one.

I am one who hopes to come to know many of you, and to share many insights, and to learn many new insights from you all. I feel I will meet, perhaps ruinite with, many who decided to take this ride together at this time.

May we keep the love light burning!


What a great introduction.I look forward to following you as I sense the love you have for all of life.May our journey on Stemit be filled with love,light, and laughter.

Thanks so much, kickingketo! Glad to be on the ride with you. Enjoy!