Greetings! This is a little strange, but here goes..... I came across this site earlier today. I understand the concept and it seems like something I want to be apart of.
That said, I am The Model Citizen. I am a wife, model, scorpio, marketer, wedding professional , crypto girl, and partnership strategist. Oh! I can'tforget about foodie..... Yes , I enjoy trying new foods. Hmmmm! What else
should I tell you? I also served 14 years in the Army. I'll save that for another post. That's how I got my moniker model + soldier= the model citizen.
My feed will include fashion, food, and lifestyle posts. Thanks for checking my page out!
You are going to love it here! Follow me at
Thank you! Will do😁
looking forward to lifestyle posts from you.
followed you!
Thank you very much! I will follow back.
Welcome aboard. You're going to love it :)
Wow! Thank you..... this is a wonderful community
Welcome to Steemit. :D I am looking forward to your posts.
Thank you!