
@williambanks: Do you have evidence to support your statement? :') Thats the artist of the first picture not me.. ( ̄~ ̄;)

Wow, a 14 year old asking for evidence to support their statement....

Actually, that fits more with her profile, than a bunch of other more stereotypical things she could have said and is one reason I changed my tune. Girls who are really into anime & manga, tend to be a different flavor because they have to deal with all the pervy Lolicons out there, they just grow a tougher skin.

Truth, I changed my tune because my daughter believes she's actually a teenager.
I'm starting to feel like a 100ft penguin again, but I'm holding off judgement.

@meiisheree I'm going to leave it be. You fixed your uncredited pic. But as a father of teenage girls I'm leery when a platform that is predominately full of grown men starts filling up with young girls, it raises eyebrows.

But in this case it's really not so much about you. I'm speaking from parent to parent when I urge @jaysanz to exercise extreme caution before allowing people to chat up their kids online. It's a safety thing.

@meiisheree Whether or not you are in fact a teenage girl, I actually like your posting. It's well thought out, sensitive and shows that you are a huge anime fan. That alone should be enough to be part of the anime fan groups on here. So I advise you to stick around and just ignore the initial scrutiny. The scrutiny exists to keep the scammers out, but there is also a bit of resentment from me and others like me as we sort out our own feelings about the direction this place is taking. It's like you walked into a private club that was full of grown folks talking grown up stuff and not all of us got the message that the owners have now put up a comic book store in the back. If I've been wrong about you then I apologize now. Your gender and age are not the issue, just your authenticity. So just keep posting.


Changing your tune to try and appease some whales. Pathetic