Ok, ppl I already have a few posts up however I am taking heed to the advise of a Steemit heavy hitter shoutout to SteemieWonderchild... Basically, I go by the name Bridge. I am an iconoclastic,freespirited,alchemist. I have led a life you can write a book on, I have seen the highs and the lows. Currently experiencing very daunting lows and then I stumbled across STEEMIT when I was searching for another deadend job that I knew I would hate. A close friend of mine told me that it seems all my life I have been searching for something more than the human experience, thats when it hit me. She was absolutely right !
All my life I have always been filled with a fire, a sort of fearlessness that took me to great heights and greats depths. I have recently completed an 11 year prison sentence. I was deported back to my place of birth, which is Panama. In an earlier post I mentioned I have been living in NYC since 4yrs old. I am 37, I have 16 months of freedom and at first it was a complete shock, I didn't even speak the language.Phew!!! Lol. Through it all the only person that I had in my corner unconditionally is my mom. The personification of GOD. That woman takes the good with the bad and doesn't complain.
I have got to be the luckiest child blessed to have that woman as a mother.
Upon coming to the realization that I am not made to slave away in the "PATRIX" as a friend of mine has termed I decided to open my own business and sell irish moss drinks in traffic, outside of call centers, orders on demand anywhere I can sell my product, I am a born hustler.
Anything except narcotics that would be back-pedaling in my case. I would rather bring something positive into existence. Well, as you know life has it's ups and it's downs and hard times hit. I was desperate and searching for a solution, lo and behold I saw a Facebook post, someone was touting STEEMIT I decided to give it a look. I instantly loved what I saw. I am a creator, all I want to do is create content. And now I can make a living off of my creating ability and it is the next big wave. Oh! I am all in!
The way I see it, I SHOULD know all the answers by now, simply because I done screwed up on the test sooo many times. With the wisdom I gained from these experiences, some harrowing, some sublime. I can make someone else's path a little easier. Sort of a guide, the presenter of the way, not MY way there is more than one path but there is really only one goal. Thus, my name, The Bridge. I want to thank STEEMIT for the opportunity it provides individuals like me, because all I need is an opportunity. It's all I have been looking for. It is a new day, a new beginning , a new destination. I am The Bridge.
You can only imagine the opportunities for a deported ex-con in a thirdworld country,lol. I will tell you it has been a big adventure, but by now I guess I should be used to it, huh? I did a stint in a call center which I actually deplored. To me it is a soulless existence to be in a freezing cubicle all day with people that judge and misunderstand me for $3 an hr. Lol. I did sales for another company which recognized something in me and decided to exploit my latent talents. That's when I realized noone is going to give you a hand up, all you will get is a dream sold to you. It is up to you to turn your wildest dreams into your reality. No-one else can or will expend the energy to give it to you on a platter. If so, then your subconscious mind is phenomenal and you need to teach the rest of us how you did it, lol!
Welcome to Steem @worldbridge I have upvoted and sent you a tip
I see, that was so official, and greatly appreciated!
And your talking to a bot bro
😒🤦♀️ introduceyourself <-------- one word you can still edit the tag
thanks bro, didn't know how to edit that joint.
Look at my post and join Steem Speak it's a discord chat very helpful
I been trine hit u on that discord app but i don't know how to work it. It says I need four digits to contact you?
welcome to steemit.. ^^
thank you appreciate it
Welcome brother, I'm sorry to hear such a sad twist of fate has befallen you. I can't imagine what it would be like to be dropped off in essentially a foreign country, I hope it leads to a great many wonderful things. This might be one of the hardest tests you've had to face but its also an oppurtunity so few ever have. Most of us die within 10 miles of where we are born without ever seeing, tasting, touching or experiencing anything outside of our bubble of existance, yet you've been given a chance to re-create your entire world as you see fit. If you ever feel stuck or need some happy hippie advice dont hesitate to get at me, I'm looking forward to seeing your story unfold
that is so official, appreciate u.