Who is Zen Mum?

in #introduce6 years ago

This is the part where I have to introduce myself, tell you who I am and yet I don't know.

I wear many hats, yet it is difficult to identify myself with any.

Born in Germany, I trekked across the globe under the pretense to study English and later to do my Bachelor in Tourism Management. Yet, the real reason, was to run away from myself and family.

I was 19...

In my 20s I partied hard and committed myself to two long term relationships.

In 2012 at the age of 26, I became a mum to my daughter Akira.

Her beauty is striking and she pushes all my buttons. Making me question, how much control over my emotional state of being, do I really have?

This question drove me to look in many areas, I looked for "Belonging".

I debbled in Attachment Parenting, sacred women circles, psycic development, Buddhism, Gene Keys, Mayan Dreamspell and many other places, with the goal of becoming enlightened and to understand what is going on around me.

In August 2016, my little boy Jack entered the world.

This event, was a catalyst of guilt towards my older daughter (because I felt like I abandoned her) and a deep love for this little man.

So far he is still cute enough not to be a button pusher. Although, he barely sleeps at night and hasn't been doing so, since his Arrival.

Somehow, I convinced myself a career in Childcare, would be the way to be closer to my children, whilst "getting back out there."

The lessons learnt from being in this profession, have turned out to be a different kind. The Balancing of various relationships between little and "grown up" people as well as my roles of being the mother, student snd worker.

Somewhere, amongst it all is an individual who is yearning to be discovered.

My goal is to merry my spiritual teachings, to the "real world", which ultimately teaches me and shows me my shortcomings.

It is easy to ramble about concepts yet, not be challenged with the reality of putting them into "Action."

I want to commit to myself and walk the path of own "truth", whatever that means.

I don't know where "Zen Mum" will lead me in the future.

But, for now however, I hope that somehow my words speak to some hearts, even to just let you know, I relate.

I am with you on this crazy journey called "life" and I cherish all of the Connections that I hopefully will be making through this path of networking.


When I saw that you read the "Gene Keys", and your goal is to "My goal is to merry my spiritual teachings, to the "real world" , I knew I found a fellow spiritual counterpart. I would love to connect with you! @zenmum