I am younger than the Castro dictatorship, but only a little older than the Bolivarian revolution. Younger than the fall of the Berlin Wall, but older than the attack on the twin towers. Younger than the arrival of the internet, but definitely older than the arrival of cryptocurrencies.
My name is Elimar Elena Aguilar Querales, and my mother, like thousands of Latina mothers, decided that it was a good idea to make a combination of the names of my grandmothers to assemble, as if I were a LEGO, the name of her first-born. It is like that, that Elizabeth and Maria ended up being indirectly the reason that they call me Elimar.
I was born on Saturday, March 15, 1997 at the hot time of 3:10 in the afternoon in a city called Cabudare in Venezuela. I am still too far from being considered a mature adult, but the truth is that I stopped being a girl a while ago. I belong to that select group of people who are called young adults, those who still struggle to find themselves, they begin thousands of dreams and hopes linked even with that touch of responsibility and conscience that adulthood grants
I am a person of volatile thoughts and emotions. Since childhood I have always had an incessant fascination to art and even though I am not the greatest artist, I keep in me a great respect and love for it. I feel that I was born with that in my life, I can listen to a melody or observe a painting and cry for the story I imagine is behind them.
I am also a firm believer in humanistic astrology, it is probably my stellium in Pisces that motivates me to think that somehow all the stars influence our behavior, but the truth is that life has taken me in more than one occasion to face the astral coincidences of an infinity of situations.
Here I will try to express in the most orderly manner in which my mind allows it, poems and drawings based on them. My purpose is to vent my mind in a blog and on the way to generate income that allows me to acquire art materials. So…
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