Hello steemians  let me Introducing myself in an Aceh art culture n history My nation

in #introducemyself8 years ago (edited)

*Hello steemians....!!!, let me introduce myself *

My name is ANDI MASTA, my nick name is “GELEX”




I am studying to get my degree in MASTER economic management at University of Aceh now. I was born and raised in Lhokseumawe-Aceh on 7st march 1982. I have seven brother. I live in n work a house production with my friend in Academix87@Production.

I work as IT maintenance, computer, networking, printer, cctv all IT maintenance service, other than that teacher in music Course for bass guitar playing Also the production house and event organizer as well,


like travel with my friends
There are many more travel that will be discussed in the next post ..

And involved in youth organization n NGO Humanitarian agencies WDC World Development Committee.

its my gallery photo

World Development Committee Moving in 10 fields
download (2).jpg

I am a hard worker and honest person with tremendous dreams. I have so many interesting hobbies such as traveling and making a lot of friend. I also love being involved in organization because I think organization will train us be a better person. Moreover, we can also get so many connections . I am one of chairman Student Executive Board at my university used to be.


Glad to join this great community .. steemit community Hopefully more glorious
Thanks to all my friends who have introduced me about this steemit my friend @sofda .... thanks to @ steemvest17 who have been steemit tricks to me .... thanks to my friend to @zulfadliekawom @irwanumpal @armiden @inok @steem77 and everyone steemians friend ... thanks my ispiration @ good-karma @jerrybanfield @officialfuzzy @sweetsssj @steempower @trevonjb @kingscrown @kingscrown @donkeypong @aiqabrago @levycore @steemvoter @ joshsigurdson n to all the steemian communities I can not possibly mention One by one ... help me to go to glory with steemit ... thankyu for all god bless u........ :)

Academically, I am interested in master's economic management, and I want my career around teaching management leaders as a lecturer, on the other hand wanting to be an art n culture developer. I am very eager to get a scholarship to start a program called Youth Youth Exchange Program (SYEP). SYEP is a program to send youth as representatives of Aceh to introduce Culture especially Aceh Culture across the world. Formed a Volunteer group of students who will go to college and school there, introducing our amazing cultural heritage. We will also promote tourism in Aceh to attract them to visit the Kingdom of Aceh-Indonesia. My vision to follow this program is to seek experience and train myself as a youth who is responsible for his country because I love my country because I love the kingdom of aceh-indonesia,
I really want to review about aceh so that everything will recall and know the extraordinary history, art and culture about the aceh kingdom that even recorded in history although obscured by fact that Indonesia itself was born because of relying on kingdom of aceh because of recognition from kingdom of aceh.

Please keep following me .. little I will expose flashback of Aceh art culture n history in introducing myself ....

A glimpse of the kingdom of aceh

Aceh which was previously known by the name of the Special Region of Aceh (1959-2001) and Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (2001-2009) is the westernmost province in Indonesia. Aceh has the autonomy to set its own, unlike most other provinces in Indonesia, for historical reasons. This area is bordered by the Bay of Bengal in the north, the Indian Ocean to the west, the Strait of Malacca in the east, and North Sumatra in southeast and south.
Aceh Map

The capital of Aceh is Banda Aceh. Its port is Malahayati-Krueng Raya, Ulee Lheue, Sabang, Lhokseumawe and Langsa. Aceh is the region worst hit by the earthquake and tsunami of 26 December 2004. Some places on the coast disappear altogether. The hardest is Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar, Aceh Jaya, Aceh Barat, Singkil and Simeulue.

Aceh has a wealth of natural resources such as petroleum and natural gas. Natural Resources is located in North Aceh and East Aceh. Aceh is also famous for its forest resources, which is located along the Bukit Barisan range, from Kutacane, Aceh Tenggara, Seulawah, Aceh Besar, until Ulu Masen in Aceh Jaya. A national park, namely Mount Leuser National Park is also available in the Southeast Aceh.

Baiturrahman Masjid

Arts and Culture
Aceh is a region that is rich with culture and art rule looks other parts of Indonesia. Aceh has a distinctive variety of cultural arts such as dance, and other cultures such as:
• Didong (performing arts from the public Gayo)
• Meuseukee Eungkot (a tradition in the area of West Aceh)
• Peusijuek (or plain flour in the tradition of Malay)
• Bustanussalatin
• Hikayat Prang Sabi
• Hikayat Malem Diwa
• Legend Amat Rhah Manyang
• Legend Putroe Neng
• Legend Magasang and Magaseueng

Traditional Weapons
Rencong is the traditional weapon of Aceh, its shape resembles the letter L, and if you look closer its shape was writing bismillah calligraphy. Rencong included in the category of dagger or knife (not a knife or sword).
Besides rencong, the nation of Aceh also has several other unique weapons, such as siwah, geuliwang and peudeueng.
rencoeng aceh

Traditional House
Acehnese traditional house called Rumoh Aceh. The traditional house-type house on stilts with 3 main parts and an additional section. Three main parts of Aceh is home Seuramoe keuë (front porch), Seuramoe Teungoh (porch middle) and Seuramoe likôt (back porch). Meanwhile, an additional section that is rumoh dapu (home kitchen).
Aceh House

Aceh province has at least 10 ethnic groups, has a wealth of dance very much and also very impressive. Some famous dances at the national level and even the world is a dance that originated from Aceh, such as Dance Rateb Meuseukat and Saman.
all dance


Saman Dance around the world

Saman Dance around the world
There are many more other videos we will post another time

Ratoeh Jaroe dance

Traditional Musical Instruments of Aceh

1. Arbab
Arbab is a traditional Acehnese musical instrument made from nature. The musical instrument of this Arbab is made from coconut shell, goat skin, wood, and wire, while the bow is made of wood, rattan or plant fiber. Consisting of 2 parts, namely the parent tool called Arbab and bolt called Go Arbab
Aceh's Traditional musical instruments which are cooled by way of swipes have been developed in Pidie, Aceh Besar, and Aceh Barat. It is estimated that the Arbab instrument was in the Dutch era in Indonesia. Going back, today the Arbab instrument is rare and probably almost extinct from the Veranda of Mecca. The danger if real already extinct. Well, let baseball lost this trace he sightings from Traditional Musical Instruments Arbab:

2. Bangsi Alas
Aceh traditional musical instrument called Bangsi Alas is an instrument of inflatable from bamboo found many found in Alas, Kabupaten Aceh Tenggara. Traditionally Bangsi making is associated with mysticism, that is when people die in villages where Bangsi is made. If anyone is known to have died, ready made Bangsi deliberately washed away in the river. After followed up until Bangsi is taken by the children, then Bangsi who have taken the children were seized again by the maker of the hands of children who took it. Bangsi this is later that will be used as Bangsi melodious voice.
Bangsi Alas.jpg

3. Canang
The Canang is a traditional musical instrument from Aceh that is often found in the community groups of Aceh, Gayo, Tamiang, and Alas. The people of Aceh called it "Canang Trieng", in Tamiang called "Kecapi" and in Alas called "Kecapi Olah".

4. Geunderang
The Geundrang is one of the traditional musical instruments of Aceh which is part of Serune Kalee musical instrument.
The Geundrang is a type of musical instrument that is sounded by being beaten either by hand or by wearing a wooden bat.
The Geundrang is found in Aceh Besar area and also found in coastal areas of Aceh such as Pidie and Aceh Utara. Geundrang function is a tool of tempo complement of traditional music of ethnic Aceh.

5. Serune Kalee
Serune Kalee is a traditional Acehnese inflatable instrument is a traditional tool of Asia Music that has been played since antiquity.
The instrument is popular in Pidie, Aceh Utara, Aceh Besar and Aceh Barat areas. The traditional musical instrument of Serune Kalee is usually played in conjunction with Gendrang Rapai and entertainment, dance, reception of honorary guests to the king of the kingdom of the golden age of Aceh Darussalam.
Serune Kalee together with Geundrang and Rapai is a musical instrument since the heyday of Aceh Darussalam Kingdom until now still decorate/color music in the traditional culture of Aceh. This instrument is one instrument like a flute or clarinet, spread in the Malay community.
Serune Kalee.jpg

6. Taktok Trieng
Taktok Trieng a kind of tool made of bamboo. This tool is found in the district of Pidie, Aceh Besar, and several other districts. Taktok Trieng is known to have two types: one used in Meunasah (langgar-langgar), meeting hall and in other places that are considered reasonable to be placed this tool. And the type used in the fields serves to repel birds or other insects that threaten rice plants. This type is usually placed in the middle of rice fields and connected with the rope to the loom (shack where waiting for rice in the fields)
Taktok Trieng.jpg

7. Rapai
Rapai traditional music instrument is a musical instrument that sounded by beating. According to Z.H Idris, this Rapai musical instrument originated from Baghdad (Iraq) and was taken to Aceh by an Islamic broadcaster named Syeh Rapi.
In the show, this instrument is played by 8 to 12 players called crew, 12 to 36 called crew for rapai urouh. This music instrument serves to regulate the tempo and the rhythms of the rhythm with Serune Kalee and buloh perindu.
This musical instrument is usually played on various occasions such as during the night market, wedding ceremony, birthday, accompanying dances, commemorate certain days and other events. However, in addition to being played singly, this instrument can also be combined with other musical instruments.

download (13).jpg
all instument

Various types Rapai:
a. Rapai Daboih

b. Rapai Gerimpheng

c. Rapai Pulot

d. Rapai pase

e. Rapai anak/tingkah

f. Rapai kisah/hajat

Typical cuisine n food aceh

In the days of the Sultan Iskandar Muda Meukuta Perkasa Alam, Aceh is a country very rich and prosperous. According to a French explorer who arrived in Aceh in the heyday of the era, the power reaching the west coast of Aceh, Minangkabau up to Silver. Sultanate of Aceh have established relationships with the kingdoms of the West in the 16th century, including Britain, the Ottomans, and the Netherlands.

The aceh flag of the empire

Aceh Sultanate involved a prolonged power struggle since the beginning of the 16th century, first by Portugal, and since the 18th century with the United Kingdom (UK) and the Netherlands. At the end of the 18th century, Aceh was forced to hand over territory in Kedah and Pulau Pinang in Malay Peninsula to Great Britain.
In 1887 the Dutch explorer SNOUCK HURGRONJE requested the permission to do exploratory fieldwork through rural Aceh from the then Dutch Colonial Administration in Batavia. Although the administration find it too dangerous because of the severe resistant from Acehnese rebels towards Dutch Colonial Present in Aceh at that time, eventually Batavia granted him the permission. In his book “HET GAJOLAND EN ZIJNE BEWONERS” (THE GAYO LAND AND ITS INHABITANTS) published in 1903, he reported finding a species of coffee plants in almost every village in Gayo. The local population did not know the origins of the plant and how it arrived on Gayo Land, but said it grew in the wild. The Gayonese at that time used the plants as fences around their gardens.
It is possible that the plant was brought to Aceh by the Arabs, who were one of the first nations to commercialize coffee. The Arab influence in Aceh dated back to 1297 AD, during the spreading of Islam throughout South East Asia with Aceh’s SAMUDERA PASAI KINGDOM (150 km from Takengon). The first Dutch expedition to Aceh was in 1873 led by General KOHLER who was killed by the Acehnese on the first attempt to take control of the capital Banda Aceh

Shared bye my friend

http://papanidea.com/2011/07/history-of-aceh-the-veranda-of-mecca/ http://indahnesia.com/indonesia/ACEHIS/history_of_aceh.php

Long history is here ... i dont post it here because it is too long ,,,, please open link

https://www.etan.org/estafeta/01/winter/6aceh.htm http://www.zum.de/whkmla/region/seasia/xaceh.html

thanks to my all friend Who has introduced steemit to me,...
Glad to join this great community .. steemit community Hopefully more glorious

So this article Introducing myself in an Aceh art culture, history I share for all steemian community all ... hopefully useful ... do not forget upvote comment share n follow me @academix87 ... thanks for all ... god bless us all

Thank you…..saleum


Welcome to our community :D

Thanks for the advice brother@steemik ... happy to meet you .... bring me to join and always follow all your posts ..please i hope my sis brother want upvote any post my block... you are very smart and interesting ,,, hopefully always successful ... god bless u

I do not have a bitcoin brotherr@thecryptosphere ... I just learned .... my account already exists


I appreciate if you follow me !!!
Your comments are always welcome,
I will try to answer as much as possible.
Good luck with your trip in this communitas,
the best combination with all your friends is no exception, and upvote to your friends as much as possible, and the reverse.

follow me @good-joinned

Regards community steemit
Thank you

Thanks for the advice sister @good-joinned ... happy to meet you .... bring me to join and always follow all your posts ..please i hope my sis brother want upvote any post my block... you are very smart and interesting ,,, hopefully always successful ... god bless u

well down.upvoted

Thank you for your brother's @rivalhw hopefully a healthy brother always ... success always ... ... thank you for the comment ... god bless you

ok upvote u

Wow! Great...Following you for more.
Please visit my profile hope you like my photography and please don't forget to follow and upvote me if you like..@saan 💐💐

oke brother @saan thenkyu for comment.... nice to meet u

Youre welcome...thanks my steem family..check my post...stop by that place .. enjoy the untouched realm

The new explosion of the cripto coin is in the air. I say this because all the cripto coins are less than half the price. This simply shows that we are now in a crisis. And any simple economic thinking says that after a period of crisis there is an increase. My advice is "invested in steem now". Buy Steem now ..... go on any exchange and buy Steem !!!! I promise you will be a happy man within 5 months. It does not matter how much you invest ... it's important to be a consecutive one. If you have 200 usd or euro that spends every month on things ... listen my advice !!!!! BUY STEEM !!!!!!!!!!!
That is what we should do for all of us who are part of this community. Think a little ..... if each of us would buy 10 usd Steem that would be the price today ???? Multiply the number of Steemit users by 10. how many times do we spend 10 usd on anything ??? we need to do something.!!!!!
I propose an exercise. From this moment we have 5 days to save $ 10. After 5 days, those who have saved $ 10 will all buy at once. For example at 20 o'clock Germany .. ok?
Today we are on August 9th. On August 14 at 20 o'clock Germany we buy !!!!!!
I will publish this article every day until the 14th and I promise to do this every day until we join.

Yours faithfully, Teodorescu

A very brilliant idea brother @teodorescu ... you are a very clever person and inspirari to the crowds ... I just joined ,,, I do not really understand steem ... please teach me .... please..how I should start it. .what should i start ... please shared me anything about steem n world bitcoin .. thanks god bless u

Welcome to Steem @academix87 I have upvoted and sent you a tip

thanks for upvote my friend @bottymcbotface ... iam follow n upvote you...Let's equally support each other...god bless u

hi welcome to steemit friend

hi brother...thankyu....Thanks for the advice brother@gurudas ... happy to meet you .... bring me to join and always follow all your posts ..please i hope my sis brother want upvote any post my block... you are very smart and interesting ,,, hopefully always successful ... god bless u

The really cool part of introducing @academix87 is .... my nick name is "GELEX"

hahahahah..... brother @hasbiazhar la ....sungguh luar biasa introduce nya jelll ...simple dan manis..., thankyu for vote n comment bradee....piyusss

Welcome and hope you have a great and successful journey in steemit

thankyu brother @rehan12 ... succes for u to in steemit

Youre welcome...thanks my steem family..check my post...stop by that place .. enjoy the untouched realm

Hello to all love steemit friends. Now we became the 2017 followers. Thanks you all the Steemit members very much. In the same way we will continue to work
Steemit members are welcome.

oke brother @ahlawat thenkyu for comment.... nice to meet u

Youre welcome...thanks my steem family..check my post...stop by that place .. enjoy the untouched realm

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I loved your presentation. You are a great ambassador of your people. Everything you have shown is very beautiful.
I wish you good luck in the Steemit communityHello @academix87

Thank you for your brother's attention @armonia ... hopefully a healthy brother always ... success always ... I hope we can support each other vote follow reblog our posting ... thank you for the comment ... god bless you

Nice post, i followed your account, please follow me at @mrrandy

thanks brother @mrrandy.... happy to meet you... iam follow you

A new Steemian :-) hello @academix87 you enjoy your time here, its a great community ! Nice post, wish you much luck! I Have upvoted and will follow your account. Don't hesitate to contact or follow me at any time :-) See you around @tradewonk

Thank you very much brother @tradewonk .... you are really friendly ... thank you for commenting and popping into my blog... god bless u

Welcome and enjoy

thankyu brother @rehan12 .... happy to meet you

U are welcome

I invite you to upvote and resteem this post

thankyu brother @greatdavison ....happy to meet you... iam follow

Wowww .. salute dengan kegiatan @academix87 .. pengalamannya tentu sangat banyak ..



terima kasih saudaraku @steem77 ... itu tidak seberapa dibanding orang orang brother...... salam @academix87

Benar .. semua orang pasti punya pengalaman masing-masing .. tapi abanag mau berbagi apa yg abang dapatkan .. itu yg menarik

teurimoeng geunaseeeh syedara tameubut keu ureung ramee hateee leubeh puaaah.......nyan ban kirajuuu .....heheheh...saleum steemit aceeh syedara ...padim rame ka anggota steemit aceh syara @steem77

Betuoi .. sang anggeta steemit maken le .. jimlah jih hana lon tudum lom ..

pajan ,,,pu na rencana peugoet pertemuan komunitas wak... @steem77 pakat pakat beuh..thanks

Siap ... in

Welcome : ) I am also new here.

thankyu brother @astarte89 Let's equally support each other...god bless u

Welcome to Steemit @academix87, I have upvoted and sent you a tip. Check my blogs if you are looking for tips on how to earn more Steem and SBD.

thankyu brother @earncrypto... thanks for upvote...iam follow your block.. Let's equally support each other...god bless u

Welcome to Steemit,
I gave you an upvote and a follow, feel free to follow back for a lager network :)

okay...thanks @bachone .... thanks for upvote...iam follow your block.. Let's equally support each other...god bless u

Welcome to Steemit! I wish you a good day and inspiration to create in our community! Please follow me :) and upvote all my post and i do the same.

thankyu brother @xamir15...iam follow u block...Let's equally support each other...god bless u

Hey there I'm wish you very good luck. I voted up you please vote me up too i followed you please follow me back

Okay brother @sahilshaikh .. happy to meet you...iam follow u... Let's equally support each other...god bless u..

Welcome to Steemit Community@ academix87.Hopefully comfortable and well received in this community. Always accept constructive suggestions and criticisms. Hope to continue sharing with all of Steemian around the world. Good luck.Wak Gelllllll...


thankyu my friend @zulfadliekawom..... Let's equally support each other...god bless u my friend... ho hana lemah leumahhhh wkwkwkwk

Di Banda wak..mita raseuki,uroe eaya ikeu,wkwkk

oke oke.....nyan yg kana bak steem kajeut peu caeeee juuu......, wkwkwwkwkwkwk

Good writeup! I can see that this is a recent account so I thought I'd say hi and welcome you. I just upvoted you for this as you deserved it and bring on the next one!
I know how hard it is to receive upvotes on a new account so maybe you want to try Steemfollower where you can earn up to 5x more steem than just upvoting by yourself! It's a simple and safe vote exchange that is free to use. I have also made this post where I explain the site in more depth and it has become my most upvoted post yet.

Thanks for the advice sister @kromosoom ... happy to meet you .... bring me to join and always follow all your posts ..please i hope my sis brother want upvote any post my block... you are very smart and interesting ,,, hopefully always successful ... god bless u

Hi my friend , welcome to Steemit. I am religious leader here on steemit, if you have any need to read God's word or receive a prayer, comment and my team will keep you in prayer. I do hope that you have a wonderful time on this platform, if you have any questions or if there is anything I can help you with do not hesitate to ask, I will be more than happy to help.
If you would like to stay in touch please Follow me @pastorlea

Thanks my best friend .... good advice ... we have to establish good interfaith syatur ... iam moeslim .... nice to meet you ... god bless u .. regards to all from aceh

Here is something I will like you to know about this platform, we all face the challenge of not been followed and upvoted as we want on steemit. Here is a solution for those of us looking for more people to follow us and enjoy our posts. If you think you are in that category of people, then you are welcome to join SteemFollower and you will be amaze of how fast you will go here. Here is the link, simply click it and follow the instructions given: https://steemfollower.com/?r=430

thankyu brother.... why this link error... can not login brother @pastorlea

try again..https://steemfollower.com/?r=430

If you wanna make sone extra friends via messenger steemit... here is the website: www.steemit.chat

thankyu @pstorlea... I signed up

I am happy you succeeded... Praise God
Now, enjoy it and get many more followers and upvotes

Welcome! Hope you enjoy Steemit! We are a great community. I am a Brazilian writer and videomaker, living in London. Here I post about photography, travelling and stories. Have a look at my profile and if you like it, follow me. Cheers!

Nice to meet you...thanks brother @marcelli, Let me join your community, god bless u

Welcome to Steemit! Very nice informative post with great pictures! Keep up the good work! Upvoted, resteemed and follow your account! Have a nice day, greetings from Hungary!

thankyu brother @attilaloe ...iam follow u... thanks for upvote n follow my post...greetings from aceh ..god bless u brother

You are welcome and thank you for your nice words! i like to make new friendships and establish good relationships with peoples from around the world. i think steemit is a good place for that.

True brothers hope steemit can be a great place to meet friendship all over the world...your good people,,, i like u... my brother hood...god bless u

Thank you so much! You are good guy i think, i will check your account every day and will stay in connected with you dear friend! I am now spending my holiday at the Hungarian "sea" lake of Balaton, send my greetings to you and to your whole family and friends also :)

thankyu brother, I will do the same....where Hungarian "sea" lake of Balaton... shared me How beautiful there...thanks brother

Nice post, i followed your account, please follow me at @mrrandy

thankyu brother @mrrandy happy to meet you .... bring me to join and always follow all your posts ..please i hope my sis brother want upvote any post my block... you are very smart and interesting ,,, hopefully always successful ... god bless u

Well hello there andi, and welcome to steemit, i'm also new to this community. excellent post i really enjoyed it. Specially the part of being an ambassador for your people, and the fact that you are a music teacher, because i'm a musician as well. I upvoted and followed you, it would be great if you could do the same for me, i'm new and i could use some help to get started in this. hope you have nice day i'll keep coming back to read your post(:

Thanks again my sis @laflacasings happy to meet you ... let alone we have the same hoby ... like music .... hopefully we can be the same mutual support in steemit ..... steady mutual vote comment ... god bless u

Welcome to Steemit @academic87, stay and enjoy the community :) @rayfa

Thanks my sis @rayfa ...happy to meet you....sungguh menikmatinya....god bless u...thanks

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