I understand how you feel. I'm 34 now but 19 was the worst year of my life. The girl I thought I would marry, cheated on me. I went into a dark place. I did lots of ecstasy and other hard drugs, got kick out of college, crashed my car running from the cops and lots of other bad stuff. It is by the pure GRACE of God in heaven that I'm not dead, I consider it a personal miracle to be alive, I've walked the ragged edge of death over and over. 189mph on my motorcycle, running from the police, over and over and over. Smash my leg open to the bone from hitting rocks cliff jumping, street fighting 4 on 1 in the Dominican (I broke 1 kids face in real good, then I got bottled). I overdosed on GHB, I was puking black and could feel my heart stopping and starting back up after 3 or 4 seconds, I was playing the regrets in my mind and saying good bye, I was sure my heart would eventually not start again and Id be dead on the bathroom floor. Sex with tons of girls that I never even asked their name, if I did ask I forgot right away. I could write a thick book about the immense chaos that one can impose on ones self and other around, strangers and family. I was truly wild and out of control, giving the world 2 fingers, screaming "just try and kill me mother fucker, I'm not afraid to die!"
Like lots of kids in America, I grew up in church learning about Jesus. God is always calling out to us, he never stops. As I went through these trials, those small seeds of Gods word that were planted in my heart started maturing over the years, I felt my spirit being drawn back to its source. I started getting deeper in the Bible and over 10+ years started to gain a deeper revelation of spiritual and natural laws and the roll they play in the quality of your life. Whether you understand or not, believe or not, spiritual law and natural law work in the same manner for every man and woman on earth.
Reciprocity, cause & effect and karma are things we all have some say in, its when the road forks into 2 or more alternate roads that all go to a different place. When the road forks YOU must decide which road in life to turn down, no one else can do it for you. Since this is America YOU have the free will choice to get a chain saw and blaze your own trail if you dont like the forks in the road that life is presenting. BLAZE your own trail! This country was started by feisty trailer blazers with the determined hard nosed grit in their pioneer spirit!
Reciprocity, cause & effect and karma, you CHOOSE how they work for you.
They can make you immensely wealthy in every way
They can make you the poorest of the poor in every way
The simplest way to start changing your life with reciprocity, cause & effect and karma is to consciously focus your imagination and thoughts.
Focus on what the positive end result looks like in your minds eye. You can do this with hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and long term goals.
Keep a happy picture fixed in your mind, hold it in the alpha state, meditate on it like a good memory of the real future.
If you hold this happy thought in your Beta and Alpha state of mind, the vision will pull your feet in the direction your mind has set it.
Block out all negative thoughts, block bad self talk and run from angry, sad, depressed people.
Fix the happy goal in your mind, never let it go and operate your intention out of a place of non-judgement, Joy and Love. These are the highest frequencies of positivity you can project.
Your subconscious can hear negative things your conscious mind can not audibly perceive. So I start to get in the right frame of mind by listening to pure alpha waves. This helps the good image you are fixing in your mind stay there once you stop consciously thinking about it.
Block your mind from thoughts of depression, regret, guilt and other bad things you DO NOT WANT.
Fix your mind on good things you DO WANT and NEVER let them go until they show up in real life. Then think of a new goal of more new good things you desire.
Set the intention of joy and love in your heart and mind and you will attract all forms of abundant provision in your life....this is possible in all storms of life because you have a choice.
Reciprocity, cause & effect and karma.... how will you choose to wield it?
For life?
Or for death?
The choice is yours friend...choose wisely
Thank you. I have to make new plans. Your words make me more motivated. Thank you again
Thank you for your interest in my article
Your welcome, I hope it made sense.