Hello friends is my presentation on this page, I am very excited because they can read and give me all their support with their good wishes.
My name is Yoselin Guillen, I am Venezuelan, but Maracucha, daughter of the land of the hot sun, I love cooking. I am not a professional chef, but I will surely share some of the meals I prepare for my family. I decided to put the username @ariannysgarcia thinking about my girl. I am the eldest daughter of a happy marriage, which lasted 28 years, which has borne fruit of 5 children, we are all very close and we are one big family.

3 years ago I started my studies in the university, I was studying the oil engineering career at the University of Zulia, unfortunately I could not continue in my studies, for a slip that became a blessing, I became pregnant with my beautiful girl Ariannys Garcia, at that moment I decided to leave my studies to get a job that could help me to get ahead with my girl, since it was us 2 who would face the world and the difficult situation that we Venezuelans face because of the harsh economic situation to which we we face.

But still nothing has unfortunately improved in the country the situation has even worsened, and a friend has recommended this page telling me, that with her, in addition to finding a lack of friends, entertainment, good stories to read, could also generate money that would certainly be a relief to be able to go ahead with my girl.
I hope you like my presentation, I'm not very good writing but I know this page will help me share nice stories to you.
Welcome to Steemit @ariannysgarcia. Thank you for this introduction. I wish you all the best on Steemit.
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