I got referred to Steem after catching up with an old liberty-minded buddy of mine who's also seeing the increasing suppression of alternative ideas in Facebook. Its utility is severely diminished compared to even a year ago. I make a daily stop at Liberty Memes, and catch Mike Rowe's updates. Oh, and browse picture updates from family and close friends. But that's about it. Substantive discussion? Ha!
I credit Ron Paul’s 2012 presidential campaign and Tom Woods with helping me remove my blinders and discovering the extent to which the system is rigged against liberty and autonomy. I’ve read bits and pieces of the major Austrian economic treatises, and would enjoy discussing them in greater detail here.
My wife is in charge of homeschooling our children. I’m on totally on board, but I hesitate to say “we” do it because she puts in SO much work. I work with the kids through their lessons when I can, but we usually save school for days when I’m at work.
I work in protective services. One area where I find Facebook severely lacking, for example, is no middle ground of pushing back against militarization while holding individuals responsible for their actions. The voices of Radley Balko and David Clarke both bring valuable perspectives to the table-- I reject the false premise that only one of those men can be right.
For the sake of getting the post up, forgive me for not devoting paragraphs to my many other interests. A sampling:I've heard #introducemyself posts don't matter unless you're a hot chick. Maybe I won't be able to prove that wrong, but I might as well write one.
- Single malt scotch
- Camping
- Homebrewing beer
- Firearms - defensive marksmanship
- Home DIY tinkering
- Luxury watches
- Subaru
- Outlaw-era country music
- Personal finance hacks
- Charcoal grilling
- Pipe tobacco
- Early American history
- Libertarian political engagement at state & local levels
That’s a start. I look forward to chewing on these and many other interests with fellow Steemers!
Welcome to the community @brewhikeshoot. How about a picture of you? Its not required but its an advantage.
Welcome to Steemit! The introducemyself-posts do matter, but hot chicks tend do get a lot of more upvotes around here. However, your post does seem to be going pretty well, almost $9 already, which is not bad at all!
I hope you enjoy your stay here :)
Yeah, no kidding. Pleasantly surprised. But I don't plan on powering down anytime soon. Thanks for the thoughful welcome!
Thanks buddy
Welcome to Steemit @brewhikeshoot :)
Hello @brewhikeshoot, welcome to Steemit! :-)
Hello and welcome to Steemit!
Wow that interest list could have been written for me....except for the watches, only takes me a matter of days and sometimes hours to crack the crystal and then break the band for good measure.
Looking forward to your posts
welcome to steemit :D