introducemyself " my Name is Diandra "

in #introducemyself7 years ago (edited)

hi steemit...


perkenalkan nama saya camelia diandra safitri utami saya berlokasi di indonesia daerah sumatera ...
nama panggilan diandra atau bisa teman-teman panggil dian dan saya juga baru mengenal steemit beberapa bulan yang lalu tapi baru sekarang saya mempunyai akun steemit. Saya belum paham betul mengenai steemit dan juga cara menggunakannya seperti teman-teman. saya berharap teman-teman dapat membimbing saya dalam menulis dan terus menulis. saya tertarik dengan steemit karena ada kerabat saya memperkenalkan steemit kepada saya dan langsung tertarik karena hobi saya kebetulan di bidang menulis. Nah Teman-teman saya mohon bimbingannya ya hihiihhi

Hi steemit ...
introduce my name camelia diandra safitri utami im located in indonesia regional sumatra ... a nickname diandra or can friends call dian and i also new follower of steemit a few months ago but only now i have account steemit.I have not understands about steemit and also how to use this like friends. I hope friends can guide i in writing and keep writing. I am interested in steemit because there is relatives me introduce steemit to me and immediately interested because a hobby i happen to in the field of writing.Well my friends please guidance me...... hihiihhi


follow me @camelia93

vote and reestem


Welcome to Steem @camelia93 I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Selamat bergabung Camellia

Stay enjoy... Jgn lupa follow back @rabo Dan d upvote kembali

Sslamat bergabung, selamat berkarya selamat bercerita, saya tunggu cerita-ceritanya

Welcome to Steemit! I hope you have a great time using this platform. Be sure to check out's the official chat for Steemit and you can create a new free account to use it.

thanks @firepower ... senang bertema dengan anda

selamat bergabung @camelia93. jangan lupa follow back @wiraonly dan opvote kembali

Hey Camelia! Welcome to this wonderful community! You have lovely eyes btw! Looking forwards to read your stuff. see you around!!

How are you? @Camelia93, Let me welcome you to Steemit. Hope you gonna have fun with our community. Feel free to follow me @rightuppercorner Have a great time @rightuppercorner

Welcome to steemit Dian! I suggest reading the FAQ's if you don't know where to start, and then check with the chat! It's easy once you start to pick up steam... Cheers!

thanks all... im fine ,how about u ?

Hai @camelia93, selamat datang di Steemit! Sekarang waktu yang tepat untuk menjadikan Steemit lebih baik.. :)

Google translate doesn't work very well apparently. Oh and Suharto did nothing wrong.

Hai @camelia93, selamat datang di Steemit! Posting bagus dan sudah kami upvote.. :)

terimakasih semua... mohon bimbingannya ya :)

Nice to meet you, @camelia93! Welcome to the Steemit Community, wish you good luck and a good start, ive send you a small tip and followed you, hope you have an amazing day! :)

Nice to meet you, @camelia93! Welcome to the Steemit Community, wish you good luck and a good start, ive send you a small tip and followed you, hope you have an amazing day! :)

Hey ! Welcome to Steemit, I hope you will have lots of fun interacting with the community. Have a great time, I have upvoted your post n do follow me @manish22rai ....Cheers !!

Little Secret: This Steemian follows you right back after you follow him :D

Selamat Bergabung @camellia kami tunggu postingannya

@camelia93 Welcome to steemit! Remember this portal is for the patient ones. You won't get noticed right away unless you're lucky but just believe in yourself and know that hard work is bound to get noticed sooner or later! Do follow me @samhenry.

Hello @camelia93 welcome to Steemit . Maybe your post may not immediately get a lot of upvoted but I believe your continued hard work and effort will makes you success. Follow me @stanley888 Thank you

Hi @camelia . . I have followed you . . Saleum aceh

Selamat datang di steemit.Saya berharap anda sukses di sini.Saya tunggu karya terbaik anda.Senang berkenalan dengan anda.Salam semangat 🤗

Sup! I can see that this is a recent account so welcome to steemit. Have one upvote from me and bring on the next one!
this post to explain the system in more depth and share my own experience in earning wupvotes for over $1 a day. As a fresh steemian it can be hard to increase your steem power so you could give @MinnowPowerUp a go. This service lets you earn up to 30% more steem power than just powering up! It's a subscription based daily upvote bot that draws its power from a delegation pool. I compiled
