Hello Steemit Community!
I'm really excited to be part of this literal revolution. It's been great viewing your content prior to creating an account so thank you pioneers!
About Blockchain & Me, I feel it was built for people like you and I who believe in and thrive for transparency and prosperity combined.
California Native, Father, Entrepreneur. My passion is an acronym (I.N.S.P.I.R.E.D.) Inspired Networking Serving People Intelligently Responsive Economically Developmental.
Exactly what I feel blockchain is.
But I created this acronym years prior to the boom.
Created a non-profit organization based on this in 2012 building youth creating new age adults. Connecting K-12 with Colleges and local major and small bussineses developing leaders with unified commerce in cities.
Real estate investing is what I help people do and I look forward to one day transition into my above passion being my =or> business and utilize the blockchain in doing so.
(I tried uploading a video I just took on my phone but it only let's me view pictures so pointers would be definitely appreciated ? : j lol)
I look forward to meeting all of you and connecting! Happy New Year and 2018! Let's Crush it!