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RE: Who is @codydeeds? | Tech Guru, Spiritual Guru, Truth Seeker, and Crypto Enthusiast!

in #introducemyself8 years ago

Thank you, much appreciated. Followed you as well, looks like some quality content in your feed.

p.s. "Mom!!! Hang up the phone!!!"

It is incomprehensible to me how far technology has advanced in our lifetime and I have been involved firsthand. As of late I view things as a metronome, center being equilibrium and each side being the extreme. With tech I feel there is a retrace happening and a movement back to center from the extreme. Promoted terms like "the great outdoors" cracks me up, you mean reality?!

Time will tell and one can only hope for the best.


You're welcome. Thanks for the follow back! And yeah.. I try to be humble and not get a big ego and speak too highly of my art and such, though.. I do think I put out some pretty good and interesting content from time to time. :) Heh..
And hahahaha. In regards to your "Mom! Hang up the phone!" part..

I'm getting the transaction broadcast error a bunch tonight with my longer messages so I gotta try to send this in separate responses..

What browser?

Lately I have been trying to get away from viewing reality from within it. Attempting to escape the confines of time and space to contemplate our situation. From experience the universe has a very deterministic nature meaning events happen how they were meant to given that the result is always the same prior to any perceived variance. We deem this as "fate" or whatever to justify something with what would seem impossible odds happening as if by magic. I say, look at the result, there is only one way it could have happened. Bringing this back to your statement of ancient tech, its ancient to us because it is in our perceived past but could easily be in our unperceived future....What I am getting at is the possibility that we are indeed the creators of this plane and end up hitting the "reset" button inadvertently starting the whole process over. So everything up to that moment has to happen the exact way it needs to so events unfold as needed. This is a ruff summary of my rhoughts and not a good one lol

Argh.. it's not letting me respond. :|

I have yet to try out the cli interface for this yet. I read you can do some different things not available on the gui

You made me laugh again with the "Great outdoors" comment. I agree generally. Though.. What are your thoughts if you don't mind answering in regards to potential ancient technologies?

Sometimes I wonder if perhaps, they used to be more advanced and like.. Something crazy happened and we had to start over or something.. Like.. Based on my understanding, we can't replicate the pyramids in Egypt today.. So.. I really have to wonder what technology was really like back then! A bunch of slaves using chisels and dried llama skins and rollers seems.. A bit difficult for me to digest.

Sorry about spamming your page! Sometimes steemit won't let me post longer messages unless I break them down really small.. And it's annoying.. but I realize it's still in beta and I hope they fix it before too long..

There is a lot we dont know about the pyramids and their construction. Way beyond anything our "advanced" society could create now. The Egyptians were also not shy about saying they just found the place and didnt build it. I like the theory that it was a power plant pulling negative ions from underneath the nile and transmitting them into the ionosphere to wireless power tech. Similar to what tesla was doing later in life.

Start a new thread with your take on things and I will comment on there. Your posting issues might be related to the comment depth limit of six posts.