Very cool introduce yourself. Thank you, pleasure to be met.
And how in the heck did you get your paragraphs to line up on the left and right side??
Very cool introduce yourself. Thank you, pleasure to be met.
And how in the heck did you get your paragraphs to line up on the left and right side??
Well I did a little search and found these handy tidbits from fellow steemians:
Thank you @dandays --- Ahhh yes the paragraph justifications!!
Hey thank you so much! I wasn’t expecting all that. Your introduction was a great way to say hello, I was extra surprised with the esthetics of your post.
I wasn’t expecting to receive 3 different articles how to help my posts look more appealing. I really appreciate that. 👍🏿
Thank you! Happy Monday from Los Angeles, California.
Your welcome. Hope it helps!