Introducemyself/memperkenalkan diri.

Hi steemit !!!
My name is dinda, I come from Indonesia precisely in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam precisely in the northern part of aceh, I was born on the 8th of 2004
Currently I am still sheltered in the world of education right I am studying in high school State 2 lhokseumawe ! [image] (
) I have a hobby of enjoying the beautiful scenery of the world especially in aceh, aceh is one of the areas in Indonesia that has outstanding natural beauty to be heard all over the world. ! [image] (
) I have a very funny pet whose name is odd, she is an angry cat who has beautiful fur and eyes ! [image] () Among my introductions, I hope for guidance and support Thank you!.


Hai steemit!!!
Nama saya dinda, saya berasal dari Indonesia tepatnya di Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam tepatnya di aceh bagian utara,saya lahir pada tanggal 8 februari 2000.

Saat ini saya masih bernaung di dunia pendidikan tepat nya saya bersekolah di sekolah menengah atas Negeri 2 lhokseumawe

Saya memiliki hobi menikmati pemandangan indah dunia khususnya yang berada di aceh,aceh merupakan salah satu daerah di indonesia yang memiliki keindahan alam yang luar biasa hingga terdengar ke penjuru dunia.
Saya memiliki hewan peliharaan yang sangat lucu namanya ganjil,dia adalah seekor kucing anggora yang memiliki bulu dan mata yang indah
Sekian dari perkenalan diri saya,saya harap bimbingan dan dukungannya


Welcome to Steemit Land! Great to see you continuing to post more often now!

I am very happy with your presence in Steemit. I wish you the best! Hope you gonna have fun with our community and see you soon.

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If the reader notices the interior page design of a book – even if he or she likes what they see – I’ve missed, because I distracted them from their reading.
Great Post!

It's nice to meet you Dinda. Welcome to Steemit!
I'm also new in here, and I can't wait to see more of your posts, just started following you, would appreciate if you would follow me back :)

welcome to steemit, hope you can give information and good work and interesting to other steemit users, and do not forget always to support all activities in this steemit.

Hi Dinga, welcome to Steemit, hope you have a good time, can't wait to see your posts!!

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Hello! Excellent article, you're done! Welcome to Steemit, I'm glad to new friends and have followed you, I hope you will follow me as well, wish you successful development of your blog! :)