Introduction : hallo para steemit mania dimanapun berada saya baru di steemit mohon bimbingan

image Saya eric edelweis yg berasal dari aceh ingin tau banyak tentang steemit. Bermula ketika sering nongkrong bersama kawan kemudian ingin tau apa yg mereka bahas di karenakan setiap nongkrong mereka selalu sibuk dengan handphone mereka masing-masing dan ternyata yg mereka bahas itu adalah steemit.
Sampai suatu ketika saya jg ikut bergabung biar tidak ketinggalan dan ikut ke dalam setiap pembahasan mereka. Untuk saat ini saya sudah mempunyai akun untuk masuk ke steemit dan mungkin juga inilah postingan saya pertama kali yang masih amatiran haha

i am eric edelweis from aceh want to know much about steemit. Starting when often hanging out with friends then want to know what they discuss in because every hangout they are always busy with their mobile phone respectively and it turns out that they discuss it is steemit.
Until one day I also joined to let me not to miss and follow into their every discussion. For now I already have an account to go into steemit and maybe this is also my first post which is still amateur haha

Berikut ini saya lampirkan beberapa foto saya mungkin ada sebagian yang ingin melihat saya image image

Saya sudah berumur 29 tahun dan belum menikah mungkinkah di steemit bisa mendapatkan jodoh? Hahaha :D
Saya sudah bekerja di salah satu rumah sakit sejak 2010 sampai sekarang, karena dulu begitu selesai kuliah pada tahun 2010 langsung mendapatkan di samping bekerja di rumah sakit saya mempunya hobi yaitu beternak burung lovebird dan itu secara tidak langsung menjadi usaha sampingan saya karena selain hobi bisa juga menjadi bisnis yang menjanjikan, begini contoh penampakan burungnya

I'm 29 years old and unmarried maybe in steemit can get a mate? Hahaha: D
I have been working in one of the hospitals since 2010 until now, because once I finished college in 2010 directly get in addition to working in the hospital I have a hobby that is lovebird bird breeding and it indirectly become my side business because in addition to the hobby can also become a promising business, this is an example of the appearance of the bird
image image image

That was my brief introduction tonight


Welcome to Steem Community @ericedelweis! As a gentle reminder, please keep your master password safe. The best practise is to use your private posting key to login to Steemit when posting; and the private active key for wallet related transactions.

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Selamat bergabung di steemit @ericedelweis. Introduceyourself adalah postingan pertama anda dan Mulailah berkarya karna saya akan tunggu postingan-postingan anda selanjutnya.

Siip bro di maklumi saja banyak amburadulnya mklum amatiran haha

Siip pak erik.. hehehe

Look who's here ^^ @Ericedelweis, I'm just here to leave a nice Hello ^^. Unfortunately i don't have much voting power, but i will be back and vote my followers. Need to grow a little ^^. Have a great time @rightuppercorner

Selamat bergabung kawan
Di tunggu karya karya


Nye nyan pak rahma yahsa, akan kita tunggu postingan menarik sekeren namanya ericedelweis hahaha

Siap mohon bimbingan master haha

Hai, helo @ericedelweis.. Selamat datang di Steemit! Suka melihat anda di sini.. sudah kami upvote yaa.. ;-)

Selamat datang di Steemit! Senang bertemu denganmu. 😊

Saya harap Anda bersenang-senang di sini dan banyak teman!

Terima kasih sudah berbagi!

Wokeh mohon bimbingan master haha

Burung nya juga sangat indah..Selamat datang dan selamat bergabung di steemit @ericedelweis

Tq silvia mohon bimbingan semoga terjalin ke akraban

Ya, sama2 semoga anda berhasil

Selamat bergabung
selamat berkarya
Follow me

Tq mohon bimbingan

Hey , how are you ?

following you now. :D
follow me back pls. welcome to steemit. @ericedelweis

A new Steemian ^^ hello @ericedelweis I hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community ! Nice post, wish you much luck! I will follow your account. Don't hesitate to contact or follow me at any time :-) See you around @tradewonk

Salute! I can see that you have signed up recently so I wanted to give you my welcome. I just upvoted you for this as you deserved it and I'm waiting for many more posts in the future!
this post where I explain my experience with the service in more depth and show how I earn over $1 a day in upvotes. As you are new to steemit and it can be hard for newcomers to boost their steem power so I suggest you to try out @MinnowPowerUp as you can earn up to 30% more steem power than just powering up with steem directly! It's a subscription based daily upvote bot that draws its power from a delegation pool. I have also made

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