Introduce My Self

in #introducemyself7 years ago


Assalamualaikum, Wr. Wb.
Hai steemian, salam kenal, nama saya Feri Yanto, saya pegiat sosial belajar menulis dan aktif di organisasi kepemudaan.

Saya tinggal di dataran tinggi Gayo, pedalaman Aceh, daerah penghasil kopi terbaik dunia bernama kopi Arabika Gayo.

Saya lahir tahun 1991 tepatnya 04 juni sampai sekarang masih lajang. Sahabat steemian ijinkan saya berbagi tulisan dengan teman-teman berbagi pemikiran-pemikiran dan pengalaman saya yang tak seberapa mohon dukungan kepada saya untuk bisa berkarya.

Terimakasih wassalam.


Hello and Welcome to Steemit. I hope you will enjoy Steemit as much as I do. See you around! :-)
I wish you the best! Hope you gonna have fun with our community and see you soon.


Hai @feriyanto...selamat bergabung salam kenal dari saya..semoga sukses slalu di steemit

Hai, mohon di bantu saya baru belajar menggunakan steemit


Tankyou brother

#indonesia maju indonesia jaya!

Merdekaaa @promosi jayalah anak muda

WELCOME TO STEEMIT :) Glad to see more people like you - here join the steemit! Being a steamboat is a great adventure! Here you can win money while blogging! At first it will not be easy, but it is not impossible. So just write it from your heart and everything will be fine. ! Applause! Wish you much luck! Greetings, @ilhampratama!

Tanks brother

Welcome to steemit tum @feriyanto

Welcome to Steemit!

Indonesia represent. :)

Hehe yes brother

Welcome @feriyanto

You may like this nice Card. Use it in any way you want: It is a completly free gift for you :)
PS: Some clever Steemians print it for takeaway. The QR-Code leads directly to your blog.

Made with Love 💋

Welcome to the steemit the community @fer thank you for the introduction of a good time. We hope that you will enjoy this community, so good luck and rising! @ulyanaa.

Tankyou nice

Welcome steemit community.. 👍👍

Tankyou brother

Thanks dear

Welcome to Steemit !
Produces quality content and you may become famous!

My advice:
Don't spam
Do not plagiarize
Make quality content regularly
Participate in the community, comment, vote,...

Good luck!

I will going to follow you and upvote your posts and going to comment.......i wish u will do the same....lets help each other to grow up fast....dont take it as a choice just do it as a duty....thank you😊

Saluton @feriyanto kaj bonvenon je steemit. Ĉiu kaj ĉiuj lingvoj estas bonvenaj je tiu ĉi internacia platformo. Bonan vojĝon kun ni !
Parenteze, tre plaĉas al mi via kolora kaj bela vestaĵo.

Hi @feriyanto, welcome to Steemit!


Feel free to follow me or let me know what you think about my posts!


A new Steemian ^^ hello @feriyanto I hope you enjoy your time here,
its a great community ! Nice post, wish you much luck! I will follow your account.
Don't hesitate to contact or follow me at any time :-) See you around @thisistanvir