My name is Jex Blackmore and I'm an activist, writer, and spokesperson for The Satanic Temple.
I live and work in Detroit, I studied archeology in college and have two cats. That's as much personal information as I can tell you, because many people find my work deeply offensive - so much so that death threats are a routine part of my life.
That's to be expected I suppose, challenging religious systems and established moral norms always come with a price. Here's my twitter account where I've posted verification. You can also read about some of my work on my website.
I'm a fan of Steemit and am happy to be here. I support organizations that work toward reimagining established systems and would like to see the decentralization of power in our social and monetary networks. Here, content is valued and democratized - it reveals something about who we are, where we set our limits, what we value and what we struggle with. I'm excited to learn from you and to contribute to a community that actively responds.
I've done a few things you may or may not have heard of. I organized the largest Satanic gathering in history to unveil The Satanic Temple's Baphomet monument, traveled around the country to reify the cultural concept of the witch through ritual performances titled The Sabbat Cycle(in support of the film The Witch), and wrote about my own abortion experience in a series called Unmother.
Photo by Chris Switzer
My work focuses on the relationship between moral religious rhetoric, sexuality and political policy -- topics that seem to have enduring relevance!
As part of this introduction I'd like to answer a few common questions in advance:
Do you worship Satan?
No. I am a non-theistic Satanist. I do not believe in a literal devil, nor do I worship anything or anyone. To embrace the name of Satan is to embrace rational inquiry removed from supernaturalism and archaic tradition-based superstitions.
Why call yourselves Satanists to begin with?
The term "Satanic" has been pejoratively applied to people who challenge established systems of power. Freethinking scholars, independent women, philosophers, scientists, outsiders, etc. have commonly been labeled "Satanists," or "under Satan's influence" by the church or theocratic powers in order to isolate them from society, and to disparage their ideas. If you consider yourself a godless, freethinking individual than you are already considered Satanic by those who attend your neighborhood church and by many who represent you in your government. Instead of allowing this term to control you - embrace it.
How do you differ from atheists?
Atheists are not Satanists, and Satanists are not Atheists. Satanism is deeply rooted within a rich historical and literary framework which spans thousands of years in cultures across the globe. We have a shared cultural history, aesthetic, ritual practice, and community minus the god element. We believe that religion can be divorced from superstition.
Do you aim to destroy all religion?
No. I think that everyone should be able to believe in whatever they want. However, in order to achieve this, and to preserve a fair and equal republic, a secular government must be established and our elected representatives must be willing to sacrifice their personal beliefs in order to represent a diverse constituency.
Many more of these questions are answered here.
You can also read my reddit AMA.
I promise that I'm not so serious all of the time. Here's a picture of my cats to prove it:
Black Phillip and BB Spooks
Thank you for having me, Steemit! I'm looking forward to this.
The First Prophecy of Lucifer is almost fulfilled.
Would love to debate you on SteemSpeak Radio some times. It is a Free Speech Uncensored Media of broadcasters from all backgrounds and we have nobody yet representing TST.
Join radio
I'd be happy to talk with you, although I'd prefer a conversation rather than a debate.
Welcome to the madness! Been following TST since the beginning and am glad to see you here. Personally, I'm happy enough as a non-religious atheist but I do get a few good chuckles from the headlines you guys have been making and I'm a huge fan of your campaign for abused children in schools so more power to ya!
Thanks for your support!
Nice choice of names for your cats too!Welcome onboard @jexblackmore :)
Thank you :)
Welcome. Your beliefs are your own business as long as they don't harm anyone else. Sadly a lot of religious people like to enforce their own beliefs and prejudices on others. I'm sorry you have felt the harsh side of this. Love the cats by the way, so cute:)
Out of this entire post, this is the point that resonates with me the most.
Also, noticing my "gut" telling me to watch out here for twisted meanings - it kindof strikes me as doublespeek, good is bad and bad is good, mostly feeling what is presented is the later. For those wanting to understand morality and "right" living, living according to the NAP, religion should play no part. Unless you're a masochist nobody wants to be the victim of violence. That's about as close to a universal truth as humans can get.
Another thought in reading this - isn't "ritual" just a euphemism for "tradition", flavored with a bit of our tribes' customs? It sounds like you advocate replacing the (fucked up) status quo social norms with others that embrace religion (whatever that means to you) and rituals. What is your definition of religion? How does that serve you and why?
On the other hand, I commend your bravery in speaking out about a topic most will react to viscerally. I notice it in my own feelings as I write this. I also commend you for seeing the logical benefits of the Steemit platform as a place to freely express yourself. The market will indicate if your perspective has merit in this community, and that may well be different from an objective assessment of it as truth. The jury is still out for me personally, as this is the first time I've heard a perspective like this and I don't know a thing about "TST". I have listened to hours upon hours of Mark Pasio's presentations, so I have some familiarity to this topic.
Labels and symbolism are powerful tools in communication. We all interact in this space we call reality based on shared, common understandings, usually deep seated and unconscious, programming we absorb during childhood. Those who are unaware of that react on an emotional level, not a rational intellectual one. Conflicts can also arise because people assume the "common" definition of words is what they define them to mean, which is are not actually in common.
Love the cat pics! I too own a solid black cat. I am rather partial to Siamese breeds tho. I guess we're in good company!
I assure you there’s no intentional doublespeak here. Thoughts about what’s good or evil (or if those things even exist) are certainly complicated and evolving. As for ritual - I do not mean that this is the same as tradition. However, rituals can be part of tradition or custom. I’m not actually advocating to replace or dismantle anything in favor of a singular practice or belief. I only advocate for the freedom of religion (or lack there of). I agree with this definition of religion: “A system of social coherence based on a common group of beliefs or attitudes concerning an object, person, unseen being, or system of thought considered to be supernatural, sacred, divine or highest truth, and the moral codes, practices, values, institutions, traditions, and rituals associated with such belief or system of thought.” Satanism falls into a system of thought considered to be the highest truth with associated values, institutions, traditions, etc.
I agree with you re: linguistics. Words, as symbols, are slippery. However, the internet is homogenizing. The global imaginary will either bring us together or weed out all that is different. Very handsome meowzer you got there!
Thank you! Religion is tricky - it's difficult to be flexible when you think you're discussing matters of life and death. But we need to allow others to make their own decisions, and respect those choices.
Jex fucking rules! Glad to see you on Steemit and looking forward to your posts.
We're in a whole new world!
Welcome aboard. Finally I can quit apologizing for satanists. I try to see all perspectives and believe that all religions are equally valid.
The fact that any group would have to hubris to think they could claim to represent the views of Christ, or Satan is equally valid in my mind. But the lack of darksiders has been placing me in a position of coming to the defense so I'm glad you're here.
Truth is if you don't worship a literal satan you aren't actually a satanist though. You're using shock and awe to claim a self defined cause of freethinking and win over the alternative / counter culture types.
But as long as you stick with a philosophy rooted in bronze age myths, you won't find the freedom of thought you're seeking.
One cannot maximize the true potential of the self while on one's knees. You will never find your true self while looking to the sky or the floor. To see ones true self requires a mirror.
non servium!
Welcome to steemit!
Thank you for welcoming me and I appreciate your thoughts. However, I strongly disagree when you say that I'm unable to be a Satanist without worshipping a literal Satan. Why do others believe they have the right to define what a Satanist is and isn't? Do we put Christians, or Jews to the same test? Are Secular Jews not "actually Jewish"? What about those who identify as Christain, admire biblical teachings, but adopt a flexible position on the existence of Christ? Do they not have the right to define their religious affiliation as they see fit? As in any belief system, there are many interpretations. Satanism is a fundamental part of my personal truth. The Satanic figure is one that provides a foundation for my life and my beliefs. I identify as a Satanist culturally, and ethically. We often fall into the trap of defining religion in terms of what we are most comfortable and familiar with. If we allow the most powerful, dominant religious institutions to define what religion for us, we permit complete control over the appraisal of our beliefs and values. Satanism, as non-theistic or theistic, may not resemble the kind of religion that you're used to, but that does not make it invalid.
I also disagree that we use "shock and awe" to "win over the alternative/counter culture types." It's not our intention to win anyone over. Satanism is not for everyone, and many Satanists are ordinary people with ordinary jobs and lives. We do not prosthelytize. Our role within the public is to advocate for our own beliefs, and to ensure that religiously motivated moral legislation does not infringe on our rights.
This was an awesome response!
Well, I'm Christian, but I've never considered satanists a threat to Christians at all, largely because my understanding about Satan is that he really doesn't care about using satanists for anything. His agenda is to infiltrate the Church and Kingdom of God and corrupt it, making it as ineffective as possible.
He offered Jesus the same opportunity that he will offer "The Anti-Christ" - to give him the kingdoms of the World and the "glory" of them. He wanted Jesus for that roll, not a hell-raising dictator like Hitler or what-have-you. His end-time goal is to fool the World with someone who seems very holy and who has spiritual authority and popularity.
Anyhow, that's my take on it and my opinion. Good post! :)
Thank you - I think many people would agree with your interpretation.
I love diversity. Welcome to Steemit @jexblackmore
Anybody who lives with cats and doesn't believe the devil is real isn't paying attention! -exp
touché my friend
Wellcome! I've often wondered about atheistic Satanism's relation to magic and magical thinking, and/or atheism based of belief in scientific materialism.
I don't what truth is, but it's fun to think of "showman charlatan" LaVey jumpint out of his pants at the moment he realizes that magick really works... :)
Most of us believe in the psychological power of ritual practice, but not that ritual is inherently supernatural.
Hello @jexblackmore, I hope the name Satanic is not a reality within yourself :) Welcome to the community.
Aren't all of our realities manifested from within? Nice to meet you :)
Yeah. So that name is just decor? See you around.
Welcome! We need good Satanists here!

Phillip looks much more Satanic than Brooks. My dog is sure that all cats are Satanic creatures. Now I know she's right!
Cats seem to have that reputation!
Welcome, baphomet! ;)
Thank you
Welocome to steemit. Post and Enjoy the journey @jexblackmore
I feel like just one step closer to hearing it all today. Stargoddess-Shiva-destructor and Satanism same weekend.
This is wild bro.
Awesome to see you here; you don't often see this branch of Christianity. I'm wondering though how you can say you're non-theistic and yet not an atheist?
I also disagree about how people have been labelled Satanists just because they are free thinkers. I think they have historically, been more likely to be labelled witch; although I see your point.
My wish is, that there would be a big Satanist movement in the UK, demanding the same rights as other religions to have state funded schools. As I think that would end the abomination of a secular country, supporting religious education; which should be privately funded.
People have different opinions about this, but this is my position: “nontheistic” is not used as synonym or euphemism for “atheistic.” The atheist, like the theist, takes a definite position with respect to the doctrine that God exists. The atheist denies or disbelieves it. The theist affirms it. As nontheistic religion is defined, the prefix “non” should be understood to mean simply that the theistic reference does not apply. Ours is a religion or belief of a totally different type in which the God question is not of primary concern, however we embrace the other defining features of religion such as a shared set of values, history, traditions, culture, aesthetic and community. While the atheist seeks to reject all religion, we seek to redefine the popular concept of what religion means within the public sphere.
I see what you are saying in regards to witches, however, remember that historically speaking witches are viewed as the “handmaidens of Satan,” essentially in servitude to him. So from that standpoint we’re really just splitting hairs. The witch is/was viewed as Satanic. There’s an entire wormhole we could get into regarding the gendered distinction of "the witch" but let’s save that for another time.
I support your proposal for a Satanic movement in the UK. Onward!
hail satan. ^_^
I am..... SPEECHLESS lol. really, does these things really exist?
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As an agnostic atheist I guess that would make me a Satanist? I suppose to fundamentalist religious nuts I am.
Personally I don't buy into the whole ritual thing (I find it theatrical) but if it's good for you who am I to judge.
Ritual isn't for everyone. I think it's a personal decision.
Welcome to steemit. I find the way you describe satanism very interesting, your actually promoting freedom of religion with this presentation.
Do you find yourself connecting with people in the temple with moral and ideas of what "satanism" is that you do not support. Ex: blood sacrifices of unwilling individuals.
Thanks for your opening yourself up to questions. Peaks my curiosity :)
Ritual practice is very personal. Some rituals are shared within a local community or passed from one individual or family to the next generation, others can be found in books and many are written by those who participate and used only once. If you think about it, all of us practice ritual in various forms every day. Some are intentional and unique, while others are routine. I’m not going to list our rituals here because it feels like somewhat of a violation to those who have taken part in them.
We often come across people who practice forms of Satanism different than our own. However, sacrifice is not tolerated (because there’s nothing to sacrifice to), and we don’t permit the promotion of social darwinism - because it’s been largely discredited. Usually it sorts itself out.
I feel personally connected to the Satanic ideal. I did attend Christian churches on and off when I was younger, and I learned from them that we are to feel ashamed of who we are, of our instincts and inclinations, we are weak and flawed. I don’t believe any of that is true. The more I was told that I was a ‘sinner’ or tempted by ‘Satan,’ the more I felt I understood my own humanity. I understand that Satanism is somewhat of a taboo, but really, I think that’s absurd. It tells us more about the power of the church than it does about what Satanism actually is. I have the privilege of advocating for my rights as a Satanist, but it’s almost impossible to conceive of someone being able to do this in any other period of history, and for that reason we are challenged to reconsider how we define religion, and what kinds of privileges we grant to institutions of religious power. It’s an important conversation to be having.
The way you have defined the term "satinist" is interesting, but seems like flame-bait.
I assure you that my joining Steemit and writing about my work is not with the intention of provoking members of this community. I understand that Satanism remains a provocative concept, however, I don't think that justifies censorship. If we continue to tip-toe around the reality that human nature is distinguished as "evil," by dominant religious powers, and that Satanism continues to be used as a tool to degrade outsiders - than we give merit to those ideas. Satanism should not be offensive, or frightening - but it deserves further inspection if people continue to feel that way and I'm certainly not going to change who I am or what I believe to benefit the comfort level of those who aim to preserve the traditions of an oppressive institution. I am sincere, and have no desire to upset or provoke anyone.
That's a great response, and thanks for doing so @jexblackmore !
And the wooshing sound was deafening.
Well, we're glad to have you. Always happy to have anyone that makes things more... colorful?
I mean it. You communicate your ideas well, and the more diverse and wide reaching Steemit is, the better.
Getting started can be a bit intimidating. I know it's a bit late, but try reading this and this if you decide to come back :).
woahhh i'm so glad @matt-a suggested i follow you! i lived in detroit for a while around the time of the rise of the church there, but never had a chance to come visit. so cool to digitally meet the person behind that awesomeness! thanks for sharing yr badassery on here!