ct. snapchat for the picture ❤️
Here are some struggles that I encounter myself 😶.
People think that you are snob, when in fact you cannot just see them.
You avoid having eye contact in public.
At some point in your life, you have mistaken a person that you do not know for being one of your close friends. You even mistakenly waved at someone.
At school, you really need to be in front because the struggle is real.
Someone is already smiling ear to ear at you, but your response is too late.
You try to squint your eyes in the hope that you can identify that person. The struggle is real when you can only see a cloudy image from afar.
People think that you are a nerd just because you wear glasses.
During rainy days and when you are sweating real hard, it is such a nightmare to wear glasses.
When you watch a movie, you got to be at the front.
When you are doing some stuff on your computer you tend to move closer to the monitor.
I am near sighted myself. Its like a handicap. Need to wear your eyeglasses or contact lens to be able to see the world clearly.
Yea right. It’s like you are blinded if you don’t have those things.