I spent ten years in the Air Force flying nuclear command & control and my advice is that you not join the military. When you join the military you enable killing even though you may never enter combat. Life is not created by killing, and death is not something you want tainting your soul, conscience, or whatever you wish to refer to it as.
I spent most of my time working at the level of the National Command Authority and enjoyed my job, flying, and those I flew with, but all that didn't matter once I came to my senses. I can't get into the details of some things I was temporarily involved in, but I was in a similar situation to the individuals in these webcasts:
Pilots renounce their commissions
Commanding officer resigns to become paramedic
Some of us also repeatedly cautioned the use of drones on the battlefield due to short-term consequences and longer term consequences of them eventually being used at home.
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Listen to Katrina. Start a small business, drive for Uber, find an internship, provide value to clients who want to be clients.
Don't take up arms for the state.