Hello dear steemians!
After investigating a little and being guided by a friend (@eliezerd) in the use of the page here is my #IntroduceMyself
My name is Landis Rojas I am 25 years old I have a degree in computer science a specialist in business networks but I never exercised my career in computing. I speak spanish too.

Chamito photo font
Contrary to my career since I was a child I was interested in sports now I study constantly and am a Parkour & Freerunning athlete I practice crossfit and some Street Workout to keep my body in good condition.

I will dedicate myself in this platform to share my personal pictures videos scenes and the sports knowledge that I have such as:
- Trainings
- Sets
- Exercises
- Technique
- Stretching
- Breaks
- Nutrition
- Advice
- Tips
So, I say goodbye and I hope all enjoy this platform and the good community!
Cheers to all people!
Gracias, me alegra saber que respondes en español y entiendes el inglés amigo! 😈