Really? this is actually happening??" ..."If one egg out of a carton of twelve eggs breaks, the entire carton of eggs goes in the garbage. If a can falls off of the shelf and becomes dented, it goes in the garbage."
As you rightfully put it this can be a source of meal for people here including myself. not only that, people can establish a BIG time business with this "garbage" products....
The major businesses here in Ghana is second hand clothing and these are rejected clothing from developed countries. Majority of them are from the garbage dumps and are shipped to this place for sell. WE even prefer them to original clothing because they are both affordable and for some reasons, some are very durable.
Not only clothing but used bicycles, machines, car tires and rims and anything u can think of is a big business here. The majority can't afford new things so if they can get an alternative that is less expensive and can do the same work, why not, they settle for it. If I may ask, would shipping these "garbage" eggs and other "garbage" yet good products cause the companies in terms of lawsuits? Am seeing a great opportunity in this. Seriously.... other people could also make a living out of it.